Chapter 4

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I slowly open my eyes, once they are fully open they take a few seconds to adjust to the light, I look at the watch that's on my bedside table and see that its 9 am, I jump off of my bed and from under the warmth of my bed sheets. Today I'm going to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry, I cant believe it, this feels like a dream, like a fairy tale but I know it isn't, I know its real. I see that Ginny Is already up and already dressed "Morning Isabelle are you exited!" she asks "Yes very!" I reply, I walk to my suitcase to pick an outfit, I pick a beige shirt, a red skirt, some cream tights, my brown leather boots with fur on the sides and to finish the look my hour glass bracelet "Do you like this outfit Ginny?" I ask because I know she has a great fashion sense, I show her the outfit "I love it, it will really suit you!" she says, I smile and thank her, I walk out of the room to go change and take a shower.

After I'm ready I go back to my room to get my luggage and bring it downstairs, when I'm about to pick my stuff up George and Fred walk in the room "Morning girls!" they greet at the same time with goofy smiles "Morning!" I say while running to hug them both "Good morning boys, I see someone is exited to see you!" says Ginny while joining our hug after seconds we all pull back "Are you exited for Hogwarts?" asks George "Very, but I'm also a bit nervous" I reply, I'm actually really nervous what if no one likes me, what if I get put into slytherin, what if the teachers hate me, what if my room mate is mean to me, I shouldn't be nervous because I have Fred and George, and I know they would never ditch me and leave me alone, but I still am "You shouldn't be! you have us and well,Percy but he isn't a big help, he doesn't spend much time with us" says Fred, I giggle and he smiles "We can help you with that" says George while pointing at my luggage, I hand him my suitcase and I hand Fred my owl, my backpack and my coat "Thank you" I say while my make my way downstairs behind them, and Ginny behind me.

"Good morning children!" greets Molly happily, I notice that Percy and Ron are already sat on the table and are eating breakfast "Morning!" me and Ginny say at the same time "You have precisely 10 minutes and 30 seconds to have your breakfast" says Percy while the twins sit down "Ok Percy ill be as quick as I can" I say smiling, he smiles back. Fred and George sit next to me one on my right and one on my left, we eat our breakfast and when were finished Molly starts stressing, just a tiny bit "CHILDREN DO YOU REALIZE HOW LATE WE ARE! WE HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE GO, GO, GO!" Ginny and Ron are staying at home its just me, Percy, and the twins that are going, I quickly run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair. When I'm done I go out and see that everyone is near the fire place "We are traveling by floo powder again children, Percy is going first, I'm staying home with Ron and Ginny, Percy will take care of you lot!" The twins hug Molly and say goodbye I hug her and thank her, Percy kisses his mum's forehead and also says goodbye.

"Platform nine and three quarters, really?" I ask once we are there "Yes really" says George, the train that we are going to travel in is called Hogwarts Express it is painted a deep shade of red and black the train station is like all the others but its got a magic feeling to it, wait there is one difference some witches and wizards including I and the twins have owls, and that's not normal for muggles(Non magic folk)."Ok this is were I drop you off, just give the ticket to the man at the door, and find a place to sit, bye!" says Percy while heading the opposite way, I think he's trying to find his friends if he has any... "Tickets please!" says the middle aged man that's at the door, the twins and I give him our tickets, he punches a hole on them and hands them back to us, we go in and find an empty compartment to sit in "Here this one is empty!" I say when I spot an empty compartment "Oh my, finally!" says George while pushing in front of me and Fred, I shake my head, "Typical George". Once we are in the compartment we put our luggage on the luggage holders above our heads, I keep my backpack next to me and sit down.

"So do you already know what house do you want to get sorted into?" asks Fred, I think about it, maybe Gryffindor because I think I fit into it I'm Brave and determinate, In my opinion "Gryffindor" I say confidently "Good, that's the best house!" says George I smile and feel the train start moving "Yeah it would be wicked if all of us got into the same house!" I say "I agree" say Fred and George at the same time, and that makes me smile. I feel really sleepy when the twins start to read so I lay my head on Fred's shoulder, yeah Fred is sitting next to me if your asking, and I try to fall asleep, I think of which house I'm going to get sorted into, about what adventures I'm going to go through, friends I'm going to make, What Hogwarts is going to look like, What are going to be my favourite lessons, I think about everything, and then I fall asleep...

This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now