Chapter 1

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I wake up the next morning and replay the events that happened yesterday in my mind, am I really a witch, or was the whole of yesterday just a dream?

After mum and dad told me I was a witch and I was going to Hogwarts, they gave me a letter that had a fancy crest that said Hogwarts and had a wax seal on it, they told me me to open it up the next morning, they also gave me a book about Hogwarts it was called Hogwarts a history, I spent the rest of the day reading it, I learned a bit about the houses, the great hall, the celebrations, the common rooms, the head master, the lessons etc... pausing occasionally to eat lunch and dinner, and check on Isaac. When my parents tucked me in bed like they do every night I asked them something "Is this real?" this was the question that I had been asking myself all day "Yes honey it is real, very real, do you believe it?" answers my mum while placing the wax sealed letter on my small wooden bedside table, that contained a glass of water, a lit candle and a wooden picture frame with a picture of my family in it "Yes mum I believe it, and I am very exited to go to Hogwarts!" I say while laying down on my bed and pulling the sheets up to my chin "That's good to hear darling!" my dad says. I close my eyes and feel two pairs of lips kissing me on both of my cheeks "Sweet dreams Honey..."and then I fall asleep...

I look to my left and see that this wasn't a dream the wax sealed letter was still there. I stretch my arm to get it, the paper is crisp and new, the wax seal is smooth and perfectly flat, almost too perfect like it was put there magically I sit on my bed and carefully open the letter, inside there's another piece of paper fold in two, I unfold it and start to read it...

Dear Miss Wills

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins September 1. We await your owl by no latter than 31 of July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I get the envelope and see that there is another piece of paper, and when I unfold it I see that it is the list of books and equipment, I fold both things and put them back in the envelope. I Isabelle Wills am a witch, yes a witch and I'm going to a magic school to learn magic, and I am going to have the best time of my life! I smile to myself and fall back on my bed laughing of pure joy. Suddenly the lights in my room turn on and go so bright that they nearly blind me, I close my eyes and laugh even harder.

When I'm done laughing I remember that I have to pack its already 9 am, I fix my bed sheets and pillow, and then walk to my wardrobe were my suitcase is and I get it out, I open it but before I start packing I choose an outfit to wear today, a dark pink sweater with beige stars here and there, some jeans, the same boots I wore yesterday, and my lucky charm which is a bracelet with an hour glass that has gold sand in it. Then I start packing clothes, pyjamas, shoes, toothbrush, toothpaste and my very few books which are Hogwarts a history and wizard of Oz my favourite book, since I was 4 my mum and dad use to read it to me. I close my suitcase and lock it, I try to pick it up but its to heavy so I ask for help "Dad can you give me hand" I shout "Sure thing Honey, oh with your suitcase no problem ill just send it to the Weaslys house" says my dad while walking in my small room, how Is my dad going to send a suitcase to a ho... oh he is a wizard. Dad gets a stick type thing out of his coat pocket that I think is called a wand, he then says something that I cant decipher, and in seconds the suitcase is gone "There you go darling oh and when your ready come downstairs me and mum have to talk to you" I nod and my dad smiles and walks out of my room, I pick my outfit up and go to the bathroom to take a shower, after I'm done with the shower I dry myself with a towel, get dressed and brush my medium length blonde hair and just leave it down it dry's really quick, after I brush my teeth I make my way downstairs.

"Good morning mum, morning Isaac" I say while hugging both of them "Gwood monwing" greets Isaac with a cute little smile that makes me smile "Good morning honey" says my mum while hugging back "Here's your breakfast" says my mum while handing me a plate of scrabbled eggs on toast and a glass of warm milk "Thank you mother" I sit down next to Isaac who is wearing a cute blue sweater and jeans and start to eat "So dad, mum what did you want to tell me?" I ask with a sweet smile "Oh about that, you know that we don't have a lot of money but me and your mother have been saving some wizard money since we were young, and we think it will be enough to buy your books and supplies, if not you will have to share with one of the twins" says dad while handing me a little sac which weighs quite a lot, I open it and see that there are some gold coins quite a lot of silver coins and about two hand full of bronze coins, but I can see their not human coins "what are the names of these coins?" I ask while looking at them closer "The gold ones are worth more,  you have 5 of them in there, they are called galleons, the silver ones are worth a lot but not as much as the galleons you have 15 of them, they are called sickles, and the bronze ones are not worth that much you have 35 of them and they are called knuts" answers my mum, I put the coins back in the sac and close it

"Thank you so much mum and dad, you have saved all this money for me just so I had the same has the others even tough we are poor" I say while standing up to hug my parents "You are very welcome honey you mean everything to us and we would do anything for you." I smile at what my mum says and then sit back down "Who's going to pick me up" I ask "Fred, Darling he's one of the twins and he is going to pick you up on a broomstick" what a broomstick "A broomstick?" I ask "Yes darling, a broomstick, they are used for travelling and a game called Quidditch in the magic world!" my mum answers "Ok, what time is he going to pick me up?" I ask while eating the last bite of my toast "At midday" I look at the cheap plastic clock that is in my kitchen wall and see that its only 11;30 I finish my milk, thank my mum for the lovely breakfast and make my way to my room.

I take one last look at my room, the cheap sheets of my bed, the plastic blinds that let every light through, the small wooden wardrobe and bedside table, the half melted candle, the empty glass of water and the space were my picture frame use to be but now its at the Weaslys house. Even tough its not much I'm going to miss it a lot, all of my memories were made in this house and they will stay in this house forever so even tough its small and cheap I treasure it more then I would treasure gold, if I had any.

Suddenly I hear three knocks at the main door of my house, I look at the clock and see its five to midday, its probably the twin, what was his name again? Fred that's it, Fred, a lovely name if you ask me. I make my way downstairs and see that my dad is opening the door, when the door is open I see a boy with ginger hair and light brown eyes he has a sweet smile playing on his lips and a broomstick on his left hand he is wearing a green and brown  sweater, dark jeans and trainers "Hello Fred" my dad greets him while ruffling his ginger hair, I giggle "Hello Mr Wills" says Fred politely "Oh please call me Mark" says dad "Ok Mark, I'm here to pick your daughter up "Oh yes, ISABELLE, FRED IS HERE!" shouts dad I walk from behind the kitchen door frame were I was hiding and then I smile and wave politely "Hello I'm Isabelle" i say while stretching my hand out for him to shake his eyes widen and his jaw drops when he sees me"I'm F-Fred" he says nervously while shaking my hand, "Now Fred, please, fly safely" says my mum "I will don't worry Mrs Wills, I wouldn't want your daughter to get hurt" says Fred while smiling a sweet smile "Oh you can call me Ella Darling!" says my mum while hugging Fred "Now Fred can you give us a moment alone please" says my dad "Of Corse Mark" says Fred while excusing himself.

Dad,  Mum and Isaac hug me at the same time "we will miss you so much honey!" cry's mum "please take care Isabelle" says my dad "Siswter imwa mwis you" says Isaac I can feel the tears running on my cheeks "I will to mum and dad I will take care!" I say "And Isaac I'm going to miss you to" I say while pinching his cheeks and he smiles.

"Bye I will miss you so much" I say and walk out of the door closing it behind me.

My life is never going to be the same, I'm a witch now...        



This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now