Chapter 6

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3 years later, 3 days before going to Hogwarts 4th year...

So much happened these 3 past years, First off in first year Fred, George, Julia and I managed to get the reputation of prankers at Hogwarts, We pranked so many people, we even pranked Snape once, lets just say it included a door and a bucket full of shampoo and conditioner, Like honestly he was needing the wash, that greasy hair wasn't going to take him anywhere with the ladies, Fred and George also managed to steal this map from Filch, it shows us were everyone is at Hogwarts, I believe its called the Marauders Map.

 In second Year Erica and Nicholas started annoying us again, saying we were blood traitors for hanging out with a mud blood, which brings us to the next event, we found out that Julia was daughter off muggles, no big deal we thought, until Erica and Nicholas found out, now everyday they call Julia a mud blood, we just tell them to bug off. We also learned a lot of new spells like lumos, expelliarmos, accio and basics like that, Fred and George also made it in the quidditch team they are beaters, me and Julia always watch their practises and games, Ron came to Hogwarts, he got sorted into Gryffindor and he made a few friends there, Harry Potter (who has a very interesting past) and Hermione (Who's really clever and parents are muggles), Harry is also staying at the Weasleys because he has no were else to stay.

 Third year was a really fun year, Lessons got harder but we learned more important stuff and I loved it, I'm really good with magic and I always get good grades, my parents are very proud of me, also Ginny came into Hogwarts and we talked a lot, I got even closer to the twins and Julia and Finally George admitted he liked Julia to me and Fred, and the funny thing is that Julia told me she liked George...

My parents and Isaac are doing great, my father is still working at the farm, mother got a job at a bakery and Isaac goes to a day-care near the bakery, he is now five, cheekier then ever, the twins and Ginny went to my house once to meet my parents and Isaac, he loved Ginny, and he laughed at everything the twins said, my parents send me a letter every Sunday telling me how their doing and saying how much they love and miss me, I often cry reading the letters but Fred always comforts me, what would I be without him?           

"Guys, don't you think we got a bit to far with the prank?" I ask Fred and George who were talking about the time we pranked Erica and Nicholas, we gave them sickness cookies, they were puking for two weeks, Erica lost like 50 pounds! "No! They deserved that after calling you a Blood traitor" reply's Fred "Yeah your right , we even helped Erica she needed to loose that weight!" I say, they burst out laughing and I join them. I am now at the Weasleys house, I always come here one week before going to Hogwarts, I arrived here 4 days ago, I have already been to Diagon Alley to get books and new robes, I outgrew my old ones, I am now 14 years old and on my fourth year at Hogwarts, these past three years I really changed, for a start puberty hit me if you know what I mean, I got taller, my hair is longer and darker and the waves that I had before turned into defined curls, my hips and my how do I put this top part well you know puberty, and finally my lips are rosier and thicker then they were before.

 "Isabelle?" says Fred, interrupting my reading session on the massive red couch on the living room, I don't look up "Isabelle!" he says louder, I keep ignoring him "ISABELLE!" he shouts this time, he sees that I'm not going anywhere so he stands and walks away, I keep reading my book, Suddenly Fred jumps on top of me and starts tickling me on the ribs, I'm extremely ticklish there and he knows that "AHHH STOP, PLEASE, PLEASE STOP!" I scream, he continues "Only if you listen to me!" he reply's "Ok!" he stops and sits next to me, "Thank you!" I say, he smiles "I'm sorry, but you wouldn't listen to me, I had to do something!" he says while placing a soft kiss on my cheek, it tingles every time he kisses me, in a friendly way of corse "Apology denied!" I say while crossing my arms, "I'm sorry Isabelle, please forgive me! your my best friend, I cant stand you being mad at me!" he says while hugging me, "Please, PLEASE, PLEASE!" he says "Ok, I forgive you" I hug him back and he kisses the top of my head, "Now, what did you want to tell me?" I ask while pulling back from the hug "Oh yeah, would you like to play in the snow with me and George?" he asks "Yeah sure, give me ten minutes to get ready" I say "Sure, but hurry up!" he says while kissing my cheek once again, this time I kiss his cheek back and he smiles, I don't know why but I always get a weird feeling when Fred hugs me or kisses me or says something cute, since the first time I met him this has happened, its a good but strange feeling that only happens when I'm around him...             

"Come on Ginny, are you done, I want to see how I look!" I whine, today I let Ginny chose my outfit and do my hair to go play on the snow with Fred and George, the thing is she doesn't let me open my eyes until she's done, "Nearly done, just on the finishing touches!" she says while brushing a part of my hair, after a while she finally finishes, "Now you can open your eyes!" she says excitedly, I do as she says and look in the mirror, Wow! I look amazing, can I just say that Ginny nails the hair department, she put my hair on a really cool plait that I don't know the name of, the outfit looked really cute, I had a white knitted jumper on, black jeans, snow boots and a warm peach coloured coat that is actually waterproof, "You are amazing Ginny, I look gorgeous!" she smiles and hugs me. I take my wand out "Accio gloves and scarf!" I say making my way to the garden door, the gloves and scarf come flying at me, I catch them and go outside while putting my gloves and scarf on.

 Fred and George are sitting on a bench, I think George is writing a letter I sit next to him, and Fred's eyes widen when he sees me  "What are you doing?" he continues writing "Writing to Julia..." he answers, I smile and wink at Fred, Fred wiggles his eyebrows "So is it official?" asks Fred, George looks up and glares at him, I giggle, "I haven't told her, plus she would never feel the same way!" he says annoyed, I smile "If only you knew!" I whisper to myself, "What was that?" asks George with wide eyes, oops "Nothing" I say way to quick "Does she like me?" he shouts, I bite my lip and see that Fred looks away when I do that, weird... "Well... kind of, but I promised her I wouldn't tell you!" I say, Julia is going to destroy my face, "She likes me, Julia bloody likes me!" says George smiling like an idiot, He continues writing the letter, with a smile on his face.

 I look at Fred with a what is he doing face, he shrugs stands up and grabs my hand, "What are we doing?" I ask "I came here to play in the snow with you, so that's what I'm going to do, oh and by the way you look gorgeous!" he says I smile and blush, the cold icy breeze hits my body and it makes me shiver, Fred probably notices this because he puts his arm around my shoulders, I wrap my arms around his torso, he smiles at me  "Is that  better?" he asks, is he flirting? I nod and he keeps walking, "We can build a snowman" I suggest "Yeah sure!" I let go of him and I feel cold again, whatever ill get warmer somehow... suddenly I feel something cold hit my coat, I automatically know its a snowball "FRED, YOU LITTLE GIT!" I say, Fred bursts out laughing I throw a snowball at his face, it lands right on his forehead! not to brag or anything but I  have an amazing aim , he stops laughing and wipes the snow from his face "That was a low move!" I smirk, and throw another snowball at him, this time aiming for his stomach.

 Before we knew it we were both laying on the cold soft snow laughing and covered in snow "Well that was fun!" says Fred while standing up, he trips and nearly falls on top of me but he manages to pull himself up with his hands, his face was inches away from mine, I got the weird feeling again but stronger then ever, he looks at my face bottom to top and down again, he moves closer and closer, is he going to kiss me? why am I not moving away? what is this feeling? I snap back to reality, his lips are nearly touching mine and then he pulls away and stands up, pulling me up with him, he runs a hand through his hair, he to changed a lot these past three years, his air is longer, his voice is deeper, he's taller and has a more grown up face, he looks hotter and cutter, "We should go inside its getting colder by the minute, I don't want you to catch a cold" he says I nod because I really cant speak right now, Fred was going to kiss me, I follow him...

When we got back inside, I sat on the couch again, Fred sat next to me "I'm sorry" he whispers, I give him a confused expression "About what?" he sighs "About nearly kissing you outside, it was an instinct, I didn't know what I was doing, the thing is I don't want things to be awkward between us, you're really special to me!" he says, I see tears dripping off of his eyes, I don't like seeing him cry it makes me sad, I move closer to him and hug him "Fred, you know I'm not one to break promises, remember first year?" I ask referring to the time we promised we would never stop being best friends "How could I forget" he reply's "Well I don't know about you but I'm never going to break that promise!" I say smiling at him "Neither am I, never!" he says hugging me again "So lets just forget about what happened outside" I actually don't want to forget about it, it was magical, it felt right ...

I think I like Fred Weasly, I think I really, really like him...   


This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now