Chapter 9

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This is what I woke up to, "Do you think she can hear us?" Asks George "Of corse she can't you idiot, she's asleep" says Fred "Just pour it on her face, quick!" When I hear this my eyes pop open, this makes the twins fall on the floor, I burst out laughing, I realise they were going to turn me purple with a colour potion, those little gits "Are you guys serious? Purple? I hate purple!" I say while getting up and making my bed "that's why we choose purple!" Answers George, Julia is still asleep, but guess what? She's pink! She's going to rip their heads off "You do know Julia is going to decapitate you guys" I say, they nod and run out of the room exactly at the same time.

It's been a week since my parents's death, I'm still pretty upset but Julia and the twins made me realise that it wasn't my fault and that my life hasn't ended. Two days after my parents died, Dumbledore gave me something i wasnt expecting, he gave me my mother's golden star necklace, it was in a smooth black box, with a note on the lid saying to Isabelle which could only mean she was meant to give it to me before she-she went to a better place... inside the lid of the box it said never forget, kindness and friendship are worth more then any gold in the world. I wear the necklace every day...

When I'm washed dressed and completely ready I decide to wake up Julia, "Julia! Wake your lazy butt up its nearly time for breakfast!" I say loudly while shaking her shoulder, "Shut up George I'm trying to sleep" she says sleepily, this makes me laugh "Julia its Belle, now wake up! Do you want to miss breakfast?" she jolts up in bed, "I'm up, I'm up, I ain't missing breakfast, nah, nah!" she says while fixing her bed and walking out of the room to change, I wonder what her reaction is going to be when she realises what the twins have done to her, "AHHHRGGGG GEORGE AND FRED YOU GITS, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DID YOU DO TO ME, IM GOING TO RIP YOUR HEADS OFF!" I just laugh, this is going to be a long day...

After a massive fight between the twins and Julia we finally get to breakfast, Julia of corse hiding her pink self behind George and Fred, this was their deal, Julia wouldn't tell them off if they hid her all day, I don't know how their going to do that tough! we sit down, the Gryffindor table and Julia hides her face with her hair, "I still don't get why I didn't kill you" she whisper shouts with an angry face, "It's because you love us so much!" Says George in a baby voice while pinching her cheeks, she smiles sarcastically, I chuckle a bit and notice Fred is staring at me, he's been doing that a lot lately, "So guys today is Saturday we have no lessons, what should we do?" I ask happily, "I promised Julia I would help her with her potions homework so I can't do anything today sorry Bells" says George frowning "What about you Fred, want to hang out with me?" I ask he smiles "Sure love!" George and Julia wiggle their eyebrows, I blush a deep shade of red, he chuckles and finishes eating his breakfast.

"So were are we going?" I ask Fred, Julia and George went off to the library to do Julia's homework, Me and Fred were walking around Hogwarts, were are we going?" I ask, "That's a surprise Bells!" He says intertwining his fingers with mine, I blush but don't pull away "Is this alright love?" He asks looking down at our hands, "Yes, it's alright" I say smiling we keep walking, we pass the potions classroom the DADA classroom, the bridge and only then I realise were we are going "we are going to the black lake!" I say exitedly, I have never been there but I have always wanted to, its so magical "Yes, taught you'll like it" says Fred shyly, I giggle, When we get there I see that there is a tree with fairy lights and a blanket, my eyes widen and my jaw drops.

"Did you do this for m-me?" I stutter he nods and leads me to the blanket, we both lay down and look at the sky, its a light shade of blue with a few clouds and the sun is shinning bright, "like the surprise?" Asks Fred, I smile "I loved it!" I say hugging him he chuckles and hugs me back "I've been here a few times alone, it helps me think, but every time I came here I wish you were here with me." my heart stops, did he really just say that, The Fred Weasley just said he wished I was with him when he was thinking about life alone on the lake, of everyone he could be with he wanted me to be with me, I smiled "Are you serious?" I ask turning my body to face him "As serious as Fred Weasley can get!" He says I giggle, "Well that's not very serious!" he puts some stray hairs behind my ear, but doesn't get his hand off my face he just keeps it there, stroking my cheek with his thumb once in a while.

"Why did you wish I was here with you?" I ask "Because you make me feel good" he says, I smile "What do you mean good?" I ask he blushes, awww he is so adorable "You make me feel happy, you give me this tingling sensation whenever you touch me, and your just..." he sighs "Your just beautiful, I can't take it anymore, Isabelle I have something to tell you"he doesn't give me anytime to process the fact he just called me beautiful he just keeps talking "Isabelle since the first time I saw your silky blonde hair, your mesmerising greenish blue eyes, your freckled cheeks and nose, I got this sensation that I had never gotten before, I was confused and weirded out, but at the same time I felt like I was in heaven because the sensation felt amazing, as the years went by it got stronger and I realised I only got this when I was with you, every time you smiled I wished I was the reason why, every time you said you weren't pretty I just wanted to tell you how perfect and beautiful you are, every time you bit your lips I wished I was kissing them and I had to look away not to, every time you cried I wished I could hold you In my arms and tell you it was going to be ok and then just spoil you with kisses, I was and still am trying not to, I've never told you this because I'm scared of what your reaction is going to be, but I just can't take it anymore, I want you to be mine, I want to hold you, kiss you and just be with you all the time!" I feel tears running down my cheeks, Fred wipes them away, Fred likes me, Fred bloody Weasley likes me, I probably look like an idiot "please say something love" I notice Fred is about to cry "Fred I like you and I like you since the first time I saw you, you can make me feel like no one can, I was planning on telling you soon" I say, he smiles so wide that it makes me giggle, he pulls me closer and hugs me tight burying his head on my shoulder and placing soft kisses on it, I giggle because it tickles he chuckles and pulls away, smiling softly and holding my hand tenderly, "Darling?" He says "Hm?" He starts fiddling with my fingers, meaning he is nervous "Does this mean we are together now?" He asks looking at me "I guess it does" I say laying my head on his shoulder...

"Wait so let me get this straight, you and Fred are dating now?" This is the third time I tell Julia (who is not pink anymore) that me and Fred are girlfriend and boyfriend "For the third time, YES!" Julia squeals and engulfs me in a very, very tight hug "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" I laugh and pull away "Tell me about it!" I fall on my bed backwards and smile, thinking about Fred's eyes, "Oh and by the way tomorrow we are going to Hogsmead, McGonagall told all of us I the Great Hall but I guess you were to busy doing other things!" I roll my eyes at Julia, "I'm going to go look for Fred, want to come?" I ask standing up "What? To see you guys snoging? No thanks!" I laugh and make my way downstairs, once I'm at the common room I see Fred talking to George, his eyes are twinkling and George is smirking with an eye brow raised, I instantly know they are talking about me, I walk up to them and sit next to Fred "Hey Love!" he wraps his arm around my waist and plants a gentle kiss on my cheek I snuggle into his chest, George just smirks and stares, "what?" I ask annoyed "Nothing, my dear Bellie, nothing..."he stands up and walks up to the boy dorms I shake my head and chuckle "Love?" whispers Fred in my ear "hm?" he grabs my hand and starts drawing patterns on it "Would you like to go to Hogsmead with me tomorrow?" um I don't know, YASSS! "Of corse!" he smiles and places me on his lap "You are so beautiful" I look down is it right for me to be with him, my parents have just died, Fred must have noticed my worried face "What's wrong Love?" asks Fred in a caring tone, I just keep quiet "Isabelle please tell me what' wrong" he says this in a worried tone, i sight  "It's just I don't know if it's the right thing to date you two weeks after my parents dye" my eyes are watering now, i dont like to talk about how my parents passed away, He looks at me lovingly "love please don't say that, we just got together, if I make you happy then I think your parents would want you to stay with me" he puts his forehead on mine "please don't leave me" i smile a bit he cares so much about me "Never" he kisses my tears away "Shall we go get dinner" he says while stroking my blond hair, I nod and stand and pull him up as well...

This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora