Chapter 10

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I was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about fluffy clouds and unicorns, when my lovely caring friend Julia, decides to hit me with a pillow non stop until i open my eyes, "What the bloody hell?" i say sleepily while rubbing my eyes, "Morning, Guess what! No, ill just tell you, WERE GOING TO HOGSMEAD!" she shouts in my face, i glare at her, i am not a morning person, and she knows that. After a while of her squealing while doing her makeup, i figure that im not going to be able to go back to sleep, so i lazily stand up, and i lazily make my bed, and i lazily get ready, i put a simple beige long sleeved top on, some jeans, and a blue woolly jumper, "Im doing your makeup!" squeals Julia, this girl squeals to much, "No thanks, i don't wear makeup" i say, calmly putting my brown boots on, "Too bad!" next thing i know im being attacked by all sorts of makeup products, i don't even argue, she's not going to listen to me.

When she's done she gasps, "You look so pretty!" i raise my eyebrows, she motions for me to look in the mirror, i do, my jaw drops, i do look pretty "Wow, you're good!" i smile, "Come on we can't be late, we're going to get breakfast there" i grab my coat, my hat and my gloves, there is no point on getting my purse...

We get to the common room, George and Fred are waiting for us next to the door, Julia runs to George and jumps on his back, he falls to the ground and she falls on top of him, they end up snogging, i go up to Fred, his eyes widen, i smile shyly, "You look beautiful love" he grabs my hand and kisses it, we look at George and Julia, still snoging "Shall we exit?" i ask disgusted "Yes we shall" we both run out of the room hand in hand, just to our luck, Erica and Nicholas were on the hall that led to the great hall, and of corse they had to cause trouble "Oh look, its the stupid one, and the one that pretends to be stupid!" says Erica "No im pretty sure they're both just plain stupid" I've had enough of being nice to these two "Why don't you two go and pick on people that actually care about your opinion!" i say loudly, they chuckle "Look at her, she actually talks, im surprised, that ugly mouth of hers can actually move!" Fred stiffens, i decide I've had enough, and i just walk away pulling Fred with me, "Oh no we are not finished with you" says Erica taking her wand out, Fred does the same, "You don't deserve to live, your worth nothing, you should be dead, just like your stupid parents!"

Her words stab me like a knife, i contain my tears "No Erica, you are worth nothing, you torture people for fun, you are mean for fun, you are not worth those peoples' time, when are you going to open your eyes, when are you going to stop, get a bloody life that's not making other people miserable!" she just stays quiet, i swear i saw Nicholas' eyes watering, she turns around and walks away to the great hall, i turn to Fred, he has a proud look in his eyes, i run to him and wrap my arms around his torso, he holds me tight kissing the top of my head, "That was brilliant!" he says looking down at me, i smile "i know" i say jokingly, i pull away from the hug and run to the great hall, leaving Fred behind, but not long after he runs after me...

Everyone is already in The Great Hall, including the two other love birds (George and Julia) this was the meeting point to go to Hogsmead, McGonagall speaks up "Students, as you know all year fours are going to Hogsmead today, i would like to tell you that you are to behave, and you have to walk around in groups of two or more!" Fred and me decide to be in a group together to spend some alone time together...

We finally get to Hogsmead after a longish walk, mine and Fred's hand intertwined, "So what does m'lady want to do first?" He asks in a horrible French accent, "Um, let's see! Butter beer?" He nods "Butter beer it is!" We walk to the butter beer shop and chose a seat near the window.

I believe im going to enjoy this very much...

This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now