Chapter 8

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"ISABELLE WAKE UP!" I jolt out of Fred's 'bed' "What? is anyone hurt?" I say looking around "No, its just you wouldn't wake up!" says Julia innocently, that little..., I give her the evil eyes and stand up, I realise that everyone is already up, the boys are actually already dressed, "We have to go to our room, come on!" says Julia pulling me out of the twins room, I manage to smile and wave at them before Im out. I take a shower, brush my teeth, change, brush my hair, leave it down and go downstairs...

when I get to the common room I see that George and Julia are snogging in a corner, Fred is sitting on the red couch closer to the fire place and he's just staring at the fire, is he upset? I sit next to him "Morning Freddie!" I say while placing my hand on his shoulder, he looks at me smiles and hugs me, I hug back "Morning love" did he just call me love, I could get used to that, I notice there is something off, "Are you alright?" I ask while pulling away from the hug "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" he answers, "I don't know, Its just your so lonely" he frowns "You George and Julia are my closest friends, and now that George and Julia are dating, I guess I will be alone more often..." I shake my head "That's not true you have me, I will be with you all the time!" he smiles at me and gently kisses my forehead, his full lips feel perfect against my skin, their soft and gentle and just perfect "Shall we go to breakfast love?" he says in his lovely british accent "We shall"...

"THE GANG IS HERE!" screams George when we enter the great hall, everyone looks up and starts cheering and clapping, we laugh. I have scrambled eggs on toast and orange juice for breakfast, when Im about to sip some orange juice someone hits the back of my head, the juice falls on top of my robes, everyone but the twins and Julia starts laughing, I can feel tears running on my cheeks, I look back to see who had hit me, surprise! it was Erica and Nicholas "ARE YOU BLOODY SERIOUS?" shouts Fred in their face, like literally in their face "Yes we are, that was hilarious!" they say between fits of laughing, "I SHOULD STICK YOUR FACE IN A BUCKET FULL OF ORANGE JUICE, I BET THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS! Come on Belle, lets get you cleaned up" he whispers the last part to me, I stand up and people start laughing and pointing again, Fred intertwines his fingers with mine and starts walking out of The Great Hall, when we were out he made his way to the perfects bathroom...

We get to the bathroom, the tears are still running on my cheeks, Erica and Nicholas have always hated me the most out of all of us, I don't know why since I go the easiest on them "Are you ok love?" asks Fred, I shake my head no, he wraps his arms around me, and strokes my hair, I put my hands on his chest and burry my head deeper in his shoulder, "Shh, Belle please don't cry, they are just stupid gits, you shouldn't waist your tears on them!" I try to control my crying, after a while of Fred saying soothing things and me sobbing I stop and pull away from him, he wipes my tears away with his thumbs "let's get you cleaned up" I nod he says the cleaning spell and in seconds I'm nice and clean, I hug Fred, he kisses the top of my head, "is that better love?" He asks "Yes thank you"...

"Off you go to lunch children, don't forget to practise your spells!" Shouts Professor Lupin, he is our defence against the dark arts teacher, in today's lesson we learned some defensive spells, personally I thought it was really fun, I even got to make an invisible wall between me and Fred, every time he tried to get near me he would get pushed back, it was hilarious because he only realised this after ten minutes of constantly getting pushed back. On our way to lunch George decided to snogg Julia, me and Fred just kept walking to The Great Hall "If they keep snogging each other in front of me I will puke, on top of them!" says Fred disgusted "What if it was your girlfriend?" I ask and blush, this subject is really weird to talk about with Fred "If it was me and my girlfriend I would kiss her in private, I like privacy, and I would be much gentler with her, honestly he is eating her face!" I laugh, Fred gentle? No way! When we got to The Great Hall food was already on the tables, most Gryffindors were already sat down, Me and Fred sat down and of course saved two places for George and Julia, they finally came and sat down, "Oh I almost forgot, Bellie?" Says George using his nickname for me, "Yes?" I reply "Dumbledore told me to tell you he wants to see you after lunch, oh and also he told me to tell you to bring a friend..." Ok then, that's odd "Ok...Fred can you come with me?" I ask turning my face to Fred "Of corse I can love" he replies, I blush, Julia and George wiggle their eye brows at me, I roll my eyes. I finish eating, "Are you done Fred?" I ask, he nods, we both stand up and start making our way to Dumbledore's office, I'm so nervous that I start to shake a bit, Fred notices this and intertwines his fingers with mine "Don't worry Belle, it will be fine"

This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now