Chapter 2

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When I'm outside I lean on the door for a second, thinking about how much I'm going to miss my family but suddenly "HI!" that hi scared the life out of me, I shrieked and fell on the floor  "So, I never introduced myself properly I'm Fred, I'm 11 and a half years old, I'm going to Hogwarts, the house that I want to be in is Gryffindor and I'm a twin your turn!" says Fred while helping me up "Thanks, and umm, I'm Isabelle I'm 11 years old, I'm going to Hogwarts, I'm not sure about the house that I want to be in, and I have a brother called Isaac, he's 2 years old" I reply "Oh cool my twin is called George, now we have to go, other wise mother is going to kill me!" says Fred while making the broom float by saying up.

"Here ill help you" he says while grabbing my hand and helping me on the broom "Thank you Fred" I say smiling "You are very welcome Isabelle" he reply's copying my facial expression "he then sits in front of me "You kind of have to hold on to me Isabelle" Oh really do I "Um ok, are you sure you don't mind?" I ask nervously "Of corse I don't mind" he says, I then carefully wrap my arms around his torso, he then starts flying, I scream, like really loud can I just say, I have never screamed this loud, and do you know what he does when I scream, he laughs,and its not funny.

Flying is literally the most amazing thing ever, it feels like the world has stopped and it feels like you can see clearly for the first time, its an amazing feeling! "Were nearly there!" says Fred "Really, that was so quick" I say truthfully, it feels like I have been flying for five minutes "Do you like flying?" asks Fred "Actually this is my first time, I only found out I was a witch yesterday" I reply and blush, wait why am I blushing, I have never ever blushed in my life, ok... good thing he cant see me "Oh I had no idea it must have been a nasty shock!" he says "Not really, I was just a bit startled" I reply.

"Look there! we have arrived to our destination, oh my is that Ron taking a bath! FOR MERLINS SAKE RON PULL THE BLINDS DOWN!". There is a medium size house, it has a very interesting shape and quite a lot of windows, on one of the windows there is a boy bathing WAIT WHAT? I cover my eyes as quick as possible. I feel the broom go down slowly and then when our feet are touching the grass it stops, Fred hops off and helps me off, I thank him and we start making our way to the house.

Fred knocks on the door three times and turns his head to smile at me, so I smile back, his smile is one of the purest smiles I have ever seen. "OH MY GOD FRED, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED WE WERE, YOU TOOK WAY TO LONG, I WAS STARTING TO THINK YOU WOULD NEVER COME BACK!" shouts Molly to Fred "Hello Darling! did you have a good flight?" asks Molly turning to me and smiling "Yes I did, thank you for asking" I answer "Now why don't we go in children!" we go in and Moly gets mine and Fred's coat Moly is such a kind person, she reminds me of my mum, I feel a few tears running on my cheeks.

 "Are you alright Isabelle?" asks Fred while placing a hand on my shoulder "Yes, yes I am, its just I miss my mum" I say while wiping my tears away "It will be fine, you will get used  to us, ill make you feel at home don't worry, if you want ill rearrange Ginny's room so that it looks like yours!" is he comforting me? is this what it feels like to have friends? if it is I love this feeling! "No its fine having you guys as friends is enough" I answer and hug Fred really tight he hugs back and brushes his hand on my back, I'm so happy!

"KIDS GET DOWN, ISABELLE IS HERE!" shouts Moly, suddenly I hear shoes hitting the wooden floor boards and 5 seconds later I see 4 kids, a girl, the boy I saw bathing, Fred's twin and a ginger boy with glasses wait is it just me or is Fred taller then his twin "Now, introduce yourselves!" the girl is the first to speak "Hello I'm Ginny and I'm 8 years old, I'm the clever one" she whispers the last part and I giggle, then the bath boy introduces himself "Hi I'm Ron, and I'm 9 and umm sorry for the bath thing, I always forget to pull the blinds down" I smile "Its fine" he smiles back Moly looks at him with a disapproving look "What? I apologised !" then Fred's twin introduces himself "Hello I'm George professional pranker I'm 11 and a half years old!" I giggle at what George says "Yes but I'm more professional!" says Fred, and then the boy with glasses introduces himself "Hello, I'm Percy and I am 13 years of age" he says while stretching his hand for me to shake I shake it and he walks back upstairs "Ok now I guess its my turn to introduce myself, I'm Isabelle and I'm 11 and I only found out I was a witch yesterday" I say "We will be great friends and the twins will tell you all about Hogwarts and magic, wont you guys!" says Ginny while hugging me "We certainly will Ginny" say Fred and George at the same time, well that was creepy but also cute, ok what's the matter with me!

"Fred, George and Ginny Dears will you give Isabelle a house tour?" asks Molly "Ok lets go, Isabelle" says George while grabbing be by the arm and literally dragging me around the house they showed me the kitchen, it was small but very cosy and it smelled like cake and biscuits, dishes were being washed by magic, a broom cleaning the floor by itself and a duster was dusting alone, then they showed me their rooms the twins room, it was messy on George's side, but on Fred's side it wasn't only messy oh no it was ridiculously messy like honestly you couldn't see his bed the room was nice even though it was messy the walls were painted a cream colour and there was pranking supplies all over the room, then Ginny's room which she will be sharing with me, it was nice and neat and the walls were painted a lilac colour that just made the room perfect, Ginny showed me that my suitcase was already there, next to one of the beds which I suppose its mine, after that they showed me the two bathrooms, one for boys which was mainly blue and white and one for girls which was mainly white and cream, then they showed me the living room which had some wooden cupboards, a massive red couch with a bunch of pillows that fit around 8 people, and a dark wood centre table, and finally the garden, the garden was lovely it had two wooden swings hanging from a tree and it had plenty of space to run around.

"And that was our house!" says Fred "It isn't much, but it is home" says Ginny "I love it, Its perfect" I say while smiling "Thanks, your very kind!" says George "Trust me you guys and your family are kinder, you are letting me stay at your house for one week!" I say and all of them smile "Ok, children have you finished giving Isabelle a tour?" Molly asks "Yes mother, we have!" reply the twins, again at the same time "Now Isabelle dear, I think you should go upstairs to unpack, when you have finished you and the other kids can come downstairs to have dinner!"

"Thank you Molly and Arthur for the meal, and for letting me stay here for a week" I say when I have finished my dinner "No problem dear" says Arthur and Molly smiles, Arthur got here just when I finished unpacking, from the place were he works, what's it called again is it ministaf, minister, minister that's it! he explained that it is a really important place in the magic world.

"Ok children I think its time that you go brush your teeth, and go to bed, now have a good night sleep" says Arthur and then him and his wife kiss each of their kids on the forehead and hug me, I hug back. We all  go upstairs brush our teeth, put our pyjamas on and say goodnight to each other, This was a great day, I met new people, I flew on a broom and I made new friends. 

I certainly am loving my new life but I really miss my parents, it will be fine ill get use to it!

That is the last thing I think about before I fall in a deep sleep...     



This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now