Lina's World

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A/N: I just wanted to thank BitNeveaCanBeMe because she reminded me to write this chapter

Maria P.O.V

I woke up from sleeping on the couch and the movie was still on. The boys and Lina were still on the floor sleeping on top of Dominic. What a picture perfect moment. I snapped a few pictures of them and posted them on Instagram caption "ALL I NEED". I took Lina out of Dom's arms and took her to her bedroom. By this time Dom had woke up and put the twins in their room. I walked to our room to put on my pajamas, when I came out of the room Dominic was taking off his pants, I couldn't help but stare, my baby was BLESSED. "Damn, you see something you like" He said chuckling.

"Nope" I replied sitting on his lap "You know, we make some cute kids" I said kissing his neck.

He started to moan "The way you kissing all on me must mean you want some more" He said.

"I actually wouldn't mind having another kid" I said honestly.

"You serious babe" He replied. He loves all three of his kids he never really had a big family so I could see why he would want to build one.

"Yeah" I answered. I was looking in his eyes and all I could see is excitement. We changed, for the better. I love him so much. I got off of him because I'm sleepy, I went to my side of the bed to go to sleep.

Dom P.O.V

Wow I can't believe Maria is up for having more kids, if she's down I'm down. I never really had a big family, and I'd never want my kids to be like that. I also want my kids to experience the world at a young age because I wasn't able to do so. I know sometimes everyone messes up and I know I did once before but I wouldn't trade my family for the world. My phone buzzed and someone had mentioned me on Instagram. "Y'all honestly make some cute kids" someone commented tagging me and Maria. I looked at the picture, she thought she was slick posting this picture. It was cute though so I took a screenshot of it making it my wallpaper on my phone.

"Baby?" I asked. I hope she not sleep yet, it's only 2:00 AM why would she be sleep. I looked over at her and she was knocked out. She looks so cute when she's sleeping. I took a picture of her and posted it on instagram "When you see her just know thats all ME #MyPrincess" as soon as I posted it, it got hella likes I locked my phone and and laid down next to my wife to be. I kissed her on the forehead "I love you baby" and I went to sleep.

*Next Day*

I woke up and Lina was standing over me. "Daddy" she said, "Is today my birthday yet?" I chuckled.

"No princess, Your birthday is in June,But its not that far away" I said.

"Okay" she said rubbing her eyes, she was  obviously still tired.

"Why you up so early anyways" I asked her. We always had "Big people" conversations even though she was only 3.

"The sun is up" She replied. She was way too funny. I got up out of bed and picked her up.

"Lets go brush our teeth" She nodded. We went to the bathroom and brushed our teeth then I started running her bath water. I gave her a bath and washed her hair, I seriously can not do hair so I left it curly. oh well. We got dressed we both matched, that's cause that's my twin. I took a picture of us.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked her.

Her eyes widened "DISNEY" She half yelled.

"Okay, With who" I asked her

"Me, youuu, Mommmyyyy, My  brothers, Awkle A, TT Lena, Sus, Stiven, AND HEAVEN" She yelled the last part. She loves her cousin Heaven they are two years apart but they are like best friends.

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