Second half

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Everyone went to Disneyland because Lina wanted to. Upon their return, Maria noticed that the gate to her and Dom's house was open, and that's not how they left it. Aaron and Dom went to check it out from the tunnel in Aaron's house. The girls and kids went to the safe house.

Dominick P.O.V
I'd really hate for some shit to ruin my day. I was having a good ass day and now I got to kill a nigga cause they don't know how to act. I shook my head as I headed inside Aaron's house. "It's always some shit" I mumbled. Aaron look back and shook his head. He took in his surroundings and his house was still safe and untouched. We went to his office to get our vests and gloves. "Uh. You think we need back up or" Aaron asked. I shook my head. I doubt it would be that big of an issue. We both put our phones on silent and went to the tunnel. This was a smart ass idea now that we actually get to use it, because at first it seemed pointless. We got to my house and entered through the basement. It was dead silent and then I heard glass breaking. I rolled my eyes. "Niggas love breaking shit" I said under my breath. I looked over at Aaron and he shook his head giving me the signal to move. We crept up the stairs and two niggas we standing in the kitchen.
"Fuck this nigga"
"Take everything he got"
With the door to the basement half way cracked, just enough for me to see them I shot. I hit one in the leg and the other one in the stomach. I opened the door and ran to the kitchen to the bodies and I started to punch one of them as Aaron kicked the other one in the face. "Call them boys to take them to the warehouse" I said looking at Arron. He shook his head. "I'll stay with them. Go check out your spot."  I gave him a nod as I went to my office. From there I can see every room in my house. My gun was drawn upon entering because I didn't know who I'd face. To my surprise it was empty. I looked on my cameras and I only saw these two. Who sent these idiots? My sensors started going off telling me that someone was on my property. I looked at the camera and it was just the crew. They came in and grabbed the two intruders and took them to the warehouse.  I texted in the groupchat letting the girls know it was ok. But we'd all be staying in the safe house till we figured some stuff out. I went upstairs to grab some of our things.  Aaron did the same from his house. And met me in my driveway to go to the safe house.
Aaron's POV
"So who you think behind this shit?" I asked finally breaking the Ice. This really ruined our good day and I'm just trying to talk because I know how Dom gets when he start to think.
"Man ion even know bruh. But imma get to the bottom of it cause ion even like people playing with where I lay, ya feel me"
I shook my head. If they know where he lives. They definitely know where I live. I think it's time for more security for our wives. I know they'll hate it, but it's for the best. We finally pulled up to the safe house. "OMG BABY!" Selena ran out the house to greet me and so did Maria. Selena grabbed my face and kissed me. I could tell she was worried. Maria ran to Dom but he looked distant. She grabbed his face and pulled his head down so he was looking in her eyes. "It's going to be ok" she mouthed to him as he shook his head and pulling her into a tight hug.
I loved my family. And Maria was really the glue.
"Where are the kids" I asked noticing how quiet it was.
"Alllllll of them are sleep surprisingly" Selena answered as her in Maria highfived each other. I looked at them and laughed.
Man. At this point I really need a blunt and some head. I ran my hand over my face and as she could sense it Mariah said "come on every one let's go in the house". Selena grabbed my hand and we walked behind Dom and Maria.
"You're coming with me" Maria whispered to Dom pulling him upstairs. I shook my head. These motherfuckers are always on some freak shit. Selena and I sat on the couch as she started to roll me a blunt. I took in her features. "Boy whatcha looking at?" She said glancing up from the blunt.
"You!" I answered. Grabbing her face and kissing her.
At this point this is blissful but I know it's just the calm before the storm. 

Authors note
Hey everyone I know it's been some years. But I'm back. I love each and everyone of you. Give me feedback.

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