My family

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Selena POV

I love staying with Austin and having Jesus with me. I feel like a big happy family.

"Jesus.. Baby come here" I yelled. He was out playing football with Austin and Austin's nephew Steven.

"Huh" he answered coming my way

"Uhhh... Go tell the boys to clean up for dinner okay little man" I said kissing his cheeks. I was going to tell him about the whole thing but I figured I'd wait till we were alone. They boys came to eat dinner that I made then Steven and Jesus went upstairs to play video games.

"Baby.. I want you in sus (Jesus) to move in" Austin said.

"I'll talk Jesus about it" I said kissing Austin. We started making out on the couch and then things got heated

"Ewwww guys stop" Maria said walking in the house with Dominic.

"Wassup boss" Austin said to Dominic. They walked into the office so it was just me and Maria. We began to talk "did you do it yet" I asked her referring to losing her virginity. She blushed so I took it as a yes. Just then I heard crying. I ran upstairs to the game room where the boys were. I opened the door and Jesus was crying. "Baby what's wrong" I said picking him up. His hand was over his ear. I decided to take him to the emergency room. So I picked him up and put him and Steven in the car and me and Maria went to the ER. We waited and waited. They said he had an ear infection and gave us medicine. My poor baby. As soon as we got home I put Jesus in his bed and Steven in the other one. This parenting thing is gonna be hard.


Selena had just got back from taking sus to the doctor. Poor guy has an ear infection. Dominic and Maria had just left so it was just me and her. "Where did we leave off" I asked her licking my lips. She looked at me and smiled. I picked her up and took her to the bedroom. You know what happens next. When I woke up the next morning she wasn't next to me but I smelled food cooking. I walked in the kitchen to see Steven and Jesus dressed eating pancakes and eggs watching Ninja Turtles. I walked up behind Selena and kissed her. She was about to kiss me back but the doorbell rang. "Damn" I said going to open the door. It was my brother's baby mom Anika. This girl was ratchet. "Steven leggo" she said grabbing his stuff. "Uhh you're welcome" I said. She rolled her eyes. I can't stand this bitch. "Bye baby" Selena said kissing him on the forehead. "Bye auntie and unc" he said hugging us both. He was a spitting image of my big brother. I miss him so much. I swear if he was here he'd beat Anika ass. He got killed when Steven was born 4 years ago. Man. That was my nigga though. I watched Anika put Steve in the car and drive off. He can't stay with her man. She dirty. Imma fight for my nephew. I went back to the kitchen to eat. "Whatchu wanna do today lil man" I asked Jesus.

"Uhhh watch movies." He said. He was soo cute. I can't wait to call him my son. He was mixed and had curly hair with hazel eyes. "Alright we can watch movies" I said. I swear I love this kid.

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