Chapter 24

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"Die zombies! Why won't you fucking die?! I shot your fucking head. This game if fucking rigged! I said fucking die!! Motherfucking, Jesus Christ, Shit. FUCK!" Michael yells, waking me up.
"What the fuck, Mikey?" I groan as I sit up, wiping the sleep out of my eyes.
"Sorry. I was trying to be quiet." He says as he pauses his game.
"You were trying to be quiet?" I ask. He just nods. "How were you trying to be quiet? By screaming at the TV?"
"I didn't notice I was yelling.." He mumbles.
I just laugh. "It's fine. I do the same thing all the time." I say before getting up and putting some pants on. I go to the mirror and sigh at the disaster that my hair has become over night. I go into the bathroom and play with it until it looks the same as it usually does. I quickly brush my teeth before going back out to the room and find a shirt in my bag. When I find that, I spray myself with the cologne that Kit really likes.
"Who are you trying to impress?" Michael asks as he goes back to playing his game. He is actually managing to kill the zombies now.
"My girlfriend." I say and roll my eyes."You should really invest in one of those, you know?" I ask. "They can be a lot of fun!" I tell him. "Harper is available!"
"I'll get right on that." He says and laughs.
"Have you left this hotel since we've gotten here?" I ask. "I don't remember you going out at all."
"I go to lunch with you guys every day, numb-nuts." He says.
"Yeah, to the restaurant inside the hotel." I say.
"Oh." He says and thinks. "Shit, I haven't." He tells me. "My plan is working, sweet!"
"What would you do if I didn't bring my xbox?" I ask. "Then you'd have to go outside."
"Wrong." He says. "I'd find something to do. Like rent porn on demand or something. I need to spend my extra cash on something, right?" He asks.
"You have fun with that." I say and head towards the door. "We're only here for four more days, I want to get Kit to go on another date with me before we're back home, where everything is always the same."
"Good luck with that." Michael says. "Word on the street is that Harper made a sign-out list for her. She needs your name, number, signature, credit card number and a years advance notice."
I laugh a little at that before walking out the door and down the hall to the room Kit share's with Harper. To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Harper did make a sign out for her. She has been so stuck up her ass that even Michael, Ashton and Calum agree that Harper is secretly in love with her or something. But, Kit is completely oblivious to it. I can't decide if that is a good thing or not yet.
I sigh as I knock on their door. Harper answers with a smile that drops when she sees me. "What do you want?" She asks.
"Hello to you too, Harper. It's splendid to see you, as always." I say, a little sarcastic.
"Cut the shit, Luke. Why are you here?" She asks.
"I came to speak with my girlfriend." I say and manage to sneak in the room past her. She sighs and closes the door.
Kit walks out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. "Hemmmings!" She says as she drops the towel she was drying her hair with and runs into my arms.
"How are you doing, Kit Kat?" I ask as I wrap my arms around her.
"You smell so good!" She says as she sticks her nose into my chest.
"I wore that one because it's your favourite." I tell her and kiss the top of her head.
When I look up, I see Harper mimicking me, which honestly, just makes me laugh. "What are you doing here, babe?" Kit asks.
"I came to see what you were up to later, Kit Kat." I tell her.
"Aren't we going for lunch with everybody like every day?" She asks.
"Yeah, but after that." I say. "I wanted to know if you were busy." I tell her. "If you're not, I heard of this place, I think it's just a couple of blocks away from here. Central Park. I'll admit, I only know what it is, because of a movie I watched, but nonetheless, I want to explore it with you, Kit Kat. You up for it?" I ask. "We can get coffee first so we can relax there for awhile."
Kit smiles but then her smile drops. "Hemmings, that sounds- magical. But, I can't." She says and sighs. "I told Harper that I would go to some sand castle thing with her."
"You're shitting me, right?" I ask..
"It's not sand castles!" Harper says, annoyed. "It's sand sculptures, it's art." She says.
"I'm sorry, Harper." Kit says. "I told Harper that I would go to a sand sculpture convention with her."
"You're serious, aren't you?" I ask.
"Art is not something to joke about, Hemmings." Harper says.
"Don't call me that." I say and head for the door. "Only Kit can call me that." I say before walking out of their room.
Kit comes out after me. "You don't have to be mean to her." She says.
"Yeah, telling her not to call me your name for me is going to be why she hates me." I say in a sarcastic tone. "Wait- No it isn't. She already hates me. It's fine."
"I'm sorry I can't go to the park with you." She says.
"Whatever." I shrug. "It doesn't matter anyways." I say as I keep walking down the halls.
"Don't leave if you're pissed." She says.
"I'm not pissed. I said it doesn't matter." I lie. "I'll see you at lunch." I say before walking away from her. I pull my phone out of my pocket to see that we're meeting for lunch in fifteen minutes anyways, so I just make my way downstairs. I don't really care if I'm the first one there. That way I can pick out the table and can make sure that I get to sit beside Kit instead of Harper.
I walk downstairs to the restaurant, trying to calm myself down a little bit before I have to face everyone. I know that I probably have nothing to be pissed off about, but seeing Harper's smug smile as Kit turned me down really set me off. But, I can't let Kit know that I'm pissed off at it because then she'll call me ridiculous and tell me that I have nothing to worry about. That her and Harper are just having girl time or whatever.
I take a deep breath in as I walk into the restaurant to see that Calum is already there and sitting alone at a big table. I smile at him as I go walk over and sit across from him. "Hey!" I say with a smile.
"Hi!" He says, in a small voice. "What are you doing here so early? You're usually the last one here."
I shrug. "Kit turned me down for Harper again. I knew that I'd probably end up pushing Harper down a flight of stairs if I stayed with them any longer."
"Oh." He says. He's been so shy around me ever since I've started talking to them all again. Ashton is never shy, and Michael threatened me a couple times, but we're all fine now, but Calum barely talks to me. But, it's only me, there's no reason for him to be shy, right?
"I'm totally kidding." I say and smile. "As much as I want to, I would never push her down the stairs."
"I can see why you'd want to." He admits.
I smile at him. "You busy later?" I ask him.
"I don't think, why?" He asks.
"Well, I was going to take Kit to Central park later, but as we've already been through, Harper has her booked, so do you want to go with me?" I offer, hoping that it will make him more comfortable around me again.
"Are you asking me out on a date?" Calum asks.
"Guess so." I say. "You in?"
"I don't know.." He says with a small sigh.
"Come on!" I say. "You used to be my best friend, now you barely know what to say to me, don't you want to be close again?" I ask. "Because I do. I'm trying to fix everything I broke when I lost my mom. Please let me fix our friendship. Please."
"Okay." Calum says. "Yeah, fine. When do you wanna go?"
"Well, I was thinking after this stupid lunch is over." I say. "I enjoy spending time with all of you, accept Harper. And my negative feelings for her overpowers my positive feelings for all of you guys."
"She's the worst." Calum says as Michael and Ashton walk in together. Michael sits beside Calum and Ashton sits beside me, only leaving two spots left. One on the opposite side of me and one on the opposite side of Calum. Kit's going to have to sit beside me, unless Harper claims that spot.
"Who's the worst?" Ashton asks.
"I'll give you three guesses." I say with a sigh.
"Harper?" Ash asks. I just nod. "Yeah, she's terrible."
"She was funny one night when she was drunk." Calum says. "It gave off the impression that she may actually be cool. But, I was more wrong than socks and sandals."
"Well, to be fair, people who are shy at first usually end up being fantastic. But, she was just shy to cover up the real boringness that laid within." Michael says.
"Yeah, but there is nothing fantastic about her." Ashton says.
"Well, the size of her crush on Kit is pretty impressive." Calum jokes.
"Yeah, but other than that she's useless!" Michael says.
"Who's useless?" Harper asks as her and Kit walk up to us. Her face drops when she see's that she won't be sitting next to Kit today. She stands there unsure of what to do for a few seconds, before taking the seat next to Calum. If anything, she should be glad. She's sitting across from Kit, she can look at her better that way.
"Oprah." Michael says quickly as everyone turns to look at him. "I mean, she used to be cool. Like, you get a car, you get a car, everyone gets a car! But, now, she doesn't really do anything, but still has her own magazine, you know?"
I can't help but laugh at how fast he came up with that, as does Ash and Calum. But, Kit and Harper don't get why, so they don't laugh. "I know she has her magazine. I'm subscribed to it. They come to my house every month." Harper says. "And I'll have you know that she is still all over charity work. You should research someone before assuming they're useless."
"Of course she's subscribed to Oprah's magazine" Ashton says under his breath, causing me to laugh some more.
"Well, I'm sorry Ms. Oprah's number one fan." Michael says and rolls his eyes. "But some of us have better things to do than Google search Oprah every day."
"I just remembered I forgot something upstairs." I say before Harper gets a chance to shoot back at Michael. I walk out of the restaurant and start making my way upstairs. I didn't really forget anything, but I didn't want to watch them arguing. I know that I would have ended up saying something because I'm already pissed off at Harper. And I don't want to tell her off in front of Kit.
I make my way up the stairs as I send a text to Calum telling him to come to my room when he's done down there so we can go because I won't be going back. I'll end up playing xbox until they're done. Calum responds right away saying that I'm a lucky bastard for getting out so early and that he'll meet me here when he's done.
When I'm finally done on the stairs, I pull my room key out of my pocket as I walk onto my floor. When I look up at my door I see Harper standing there. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.
"That isn't a very nice way to welcome your guest into your hotel room." Harper tells me.
"And who said you were welcome in my hotel room?" I ask.
"Let me in, Hemmings." She demands. "I have a few things to say to you that I don't want others to hear."
"I told you not to call me that. Only Kit can call me that. But whatever." I say and swipe the room key and open the door. She comes in behind me and takes a seat on the chair in my room. "How the hell did you get away from the lunch?" I ask.
"I said I wasn't feeling well." She says. "But, that doesn't concern you!" She tells me. "Look, Luke. I don't like you."
"I've heard." I say, unamused as I go sit down on my bed.
"Clifford told you, didn't he?" She says.
"Yeah. Because he's my friend. Not yours." I tell her. "If you talk shit about me to my friends, they're going to tell me."
"Really? What has Kit told you?" She asks.
"N-nothing." I stutter out, what has she said to Kit? And why hasn't Kit told me about any of it? "She's told me nothing."
"Guess you and her aren't as close as you thought then." She says and laughs.
"Yeah, whatever. Get out. I've had enough of this." I tell her.
"I'm not done yet." She says.
"Well, hurry up. I have plans, and I'm not ditching them for you."
"You're no good for that girl." She says. I just roll my eyes. "Do you honestly think that she's going to be blind to that forever?"
"Look, I don't know what I've ever done to wrong you, but I'm so sorry." I say, dully. "I'm sorry for whatever reason you think that I only want to hurt Kit. I don't want to hurt Kit at all. I love her more than anything. I would have never admitted that five months ago. She showed me what love is."
"Yeah, precious, Romeo." She says. "But, when you and Kit stop having sex every chance you get, your feelings for her will fade. I want you to dump her before that happens."
"I loved Kit long before we first had sex." I say. "I'm not breaking up with her because her nerdy little sidekick told me so."
"You and Kit aren't going to last forever." She says.
"Maybe, maybe not. But I'm going to love her for as long and as hard as I can." I say.
"Yeah right." She scoffs. "You're just a sad little momma's boy who doesn't have his momma here watching his every move anymore." When she says that my everything drops in anger. "Face it, you're an attention sneaking baby who will do anything to anyone to cover up how small he actually is."
"That was me before Kit came along." I say. "But I'm sorry that you're so jealous of Kit and I. You don't think I see the way you look at her? I do. I see everything! I know that you have some creepy obsession with her. But, you can't do anything about it, because at the end of the day, who is the one that she wants to have sex with? Not you. So you take your two cent worth opinion and leave my fucking hotel room, now!" I yell.
She just gets up and leaves quietly. At first I think that maybe I took that too far, but she took it just as far, and she needed to hear what I had to say. I don't regret saying any of it. I just sigh and lay down on my bed as I wait for Calum to get here.
Before too long, Cal and Michael walk in and I leave with Calum right away. "Want me to walk the stairs with you?" He offers.
"Yeah, if you want to." I say as he joins me walking downstairs. We make small talk that carries on to Starbucks, then to the Central park. I take a seat near the water, he comes and sits beside me. "Isn't it nice here?" I ask.
"Really nice!" He says. "But I feel like I'd get a terminal illness if I breathed in this air too much."
"I know right." I say and smile at him. "Are you scared of me?" I hesitate to ask.
"Not of you, no." He says. "I'm not scared of you. I'm scared of who you turned into after everything happened. I can't say that I would have reacted any different, but who you turned into and how fast you turned into him is what scared me."
"Yeah, I get that." I say and toss a rock in the water. "But, who I turned into is gone."
"Yeah, that person left just as quick as he came, you know?" He asks.
"You're scared that I'm going to become that person again?" I ask. He nods. "All of that, was part of a year long mental break down."
"What made you snap out of it?" He asks.
"Kit." I say and smile. "Kit made me realize that it's okay not to be stone cold. That I'm not a weak person for admitting that I'm not okay every now and then."
"You really do love her, don't you?" He asks.
"I love her more than anything, and more and more every time I look at her." I tell Calum with a smile. "But, anyways back to the point. I'm not going anywhere again. As long as I have Kit here with me, I have everything I need to stay me again. Do you trust me?" I ask.
He's silent for a minute. "Yeah." He says after thinking. "I do. I trust you. Welcome back, Luke!" He says before giving me a quick side hug.


After staying downstairs and catching up with Ashton over some gym time, I make my way upstairs. I get off the elevator and walk down the hall some to my room. I check my pockets to see that I forgot my key. I really hope Harper is here. I'm fucked if she isn't. I bang on the door. "Who is it?" I hear Harper ask in a small voice. She sounds as if she's been crying.
"H, it's me. Open up." I say. I hear her get up and walk towards the door. She opens it then goes back to sitting on her bed with her face in her hands. "What's wrong?" I ask as I sit beside her and wrap an arm around her.
"It's your no good boyfriend." She says and wipes her face off.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I ran up to him on my way here, and he completely told me off for no reason." She tells me. I knit my eyebrows together.
"What did he say?" I ask.
"He said that I'm nothing but a creepy nerd that is trying to ruin your relationship, then continued to tell me about how much you like it when he has sex with you." She says. "He said that I'm nothing but obsessive."
"I'll go have a talk to him." I say before getting up.
"No, don't." She says. "I don't want to start trouble."
"He needs to know not to treat you like that." I say before walking out of the room and down the hall to Luke and Michael's room, where Luke and Calum are standing, about to go in, I assume. "Luke, come with me." I say quickly before grabbing his arm and taking him down to the staircase, I know that we won't run into anyone there. He's the only one that takes the damn stairs. "Why the hell did you say all of those things to Harper?" I basically yell.
"What the hell do you mean?" He asks.
"Don't play dumb with me, Hemmings. Harper told me everything." I tell him.
"Oh did she now?" He asks. "Because I feel like if she really did tell you everything, you wouldn't be acting like this right now." He tells me, he looks slightly amused. "What did she tell you?"
"That you ran into her on your way up and you completely bullied her, calling her creepy, nerdy, obsessive then told her about how much I love fucking you!" I tell him.
He starts laughing. "Wow, I underestimated her. That bitch can twist the hell out of a story."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"By the time I was done climbing the stairs, she was at my door waiting for me, I tried to get her to go away, but she refused, she said she needed to talk to me. So, I ended up letting her in, she basically insulted me the whole time, then she said I'm just a mommys boy who doesn't have my mommy around anymore so I'm pissed at the world or something like that. That's when I lost my shit, I said that she is obsessed with you, and I said at the end of the day I'm the one you want to sleep with not her." He explains.
I sigh. "That makes perfect sense." I say. "I'm sorry I assumed that you would just bully her like that."
"Babygirl, it's fine." He says before wrapping his arms around me. "I love you, okay?"
"I love you too." I say before pulling away from him. "I need to go talk to Harper." I say before walking out of the staircase with him, he goes to his room and I make my way down to mine, luckily enough I didn't completely close the door, so I don't need Harper to get the door for me. I walk in and close it fully. "Harper!" I call.
She comes out of the bathroom, wearing makeup. She never wears makeup, and after seeing her handy job with the eyeliner, I understand why not. "Yeah?" She asks.
"I talked to Luke." I say.
"And?" She asks.
"And he told me a totally different story." I tell her. "And his makes more sense. I believe him, Harper."
"I- I'm so sorry!" She says as she completely breaks down, her shitty eyeliner starts running down her face. "I just want you to see that you could do so much better. So, I thought if I lied to you about something, he would snap and show his true colors. He's no good for you. You deserve so much better, Kit!"
"No I don't!" I say, a little loud. "Luke is everything I've ever wanted and more. I love him, okay?" I ask. "I don't know who you expect me to go for, but I am in love with Luke. He is in love with me, and we're really happy together. Nothing can change that!" Just as I say that, something that I would have never expected happens. Harper grabs me and pulls her face into mine, planting her lips on mine. I pull away as quick as I realize that happened. "Shit." I say and turn around for a second. "They were right."
"I'm so sorry!" She says. "I just thought that maybe you'd see that-"
"Harper, I'm sorry, but I don't like you like that. If I gave you the wrong impression I'm so sorry, but I like Luke like that. Not you."
"Yeah, go figure." She says.
"I had no clue that you were attracted to girls, if I would have known, I would have been more sensitive about how I talk with you."
"Yeah, I didn't know either. Until I met you."
"As flattering as that is, I'm not interested in you, or any girl that way. If you are it's fine. But, you need to get another girl- or boy I really don't know where you stand. But, I'm not your person for that kind of stuff. Are you okay?" I ask.
"I will be. Can I just have a couple minutes to myself?" She asks.
"Of course you can." I say and grab they room key. "I still do love you, you know? This changes nothing. When you're calmed down, we will never talk about it again." She just nods. I give her a small smile before walking down the hall to Luke's room. I knock on the door as he comes to answer. He's all alone in there. "Where is Michael?" I ask.
"Calum and Ashton also have a PlayStation in their room. He went to go hang out with them for awhile. I'll probably never see him again now." He laughs. "You okay?"
"I don't really know." I say. "Can I come in?" I ask.
"You don't have to ask." He says before leading me in and closing the door behind us. He goes and lays on his bed, I go lay with him, resting my head on his chest, letting the sound of his heart beating calm me down. "What happened Kit Kat?" He asks as he starts playing with my hair.
"I told Harper what you said and explained that I can't do any better than you, I told her that we're in love, and that you're everything I've ever wanted and more." I start with.
"Then what?" He asks.
"She kissed me." I say, quickly.
"She what?!" Luke yells.
"I pulled away instantly!" I assure him. "And I explained to her that I don't feel the same and never will, then reminded her of how much I love you. Please don't get pissed at me."
"I'm not pissed at you, love." He says. "I'm pissed that she would do that knowing how much I love you."
"Don't be. She's just confused." I say as he starts laughing. "What's so funny?"
"I told you so!" He says and pulls me closer into him, he kisses my head. "But, you didn't believe me!"
"I'll never doubt you again, okay?" I ask.
"Sure." He says. "What are you going to do about Harper?" He asks.
"I'm not going to do anything. I'm giving her time to calm down, then we're never talking about it again. She's still one of my best friends, you know?"
"Yeah." He says with a sigh. "You have nothing to worry about!" I say before rolling over so I'm on top of him. I sit up. "You're the only one I want, Hemmings!" I say before leaning down before planting a kiss on his lips.

Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Love Story. AU-Where stories live. Discover now