Chapter # 16

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Shraddha's POV
"Listen girl there's more." Pari said and I got worried and confused at the same time. The same expressions were on Varun's face. "What is it Pari tell me fast." I said extremely worried. "Police had found a secret hideout of Punit and they have gathered some clues plus they have talked to his roommate so the investigation is going good." Pari replied. "What if he tried to harm Varun again." I asked. "Don't worry everything will be fine dear." Pari replied. "Hope so." I said. "Take care you two. Bye!!" She said. "You too take care. Bye!!" Me and Varun said in unison and she hung up. "So I think Punit will be caught by the police soon." Varun said to make me feel better but he also knows that it's not that easy to get to Punit. I wonder if Punit had done this before he's so good at hiding but I think the police will find him because they have so many clues to get to him. I just hope he gets caught. I will beat him up if I see him. How dare he hurt my Varun who means the life to me. When we were friends I thought that he's a nice guy but who knew he would be a backstabber. I hate him so much. I mean which guy doesn't attract towards girls. I am one of the girl who just attracted him it's not love and in love as Varun said before 'If you love someome let it go' if he loved me he should have done this. I don't think he's even normal. I can't see my Varun in pain and he exactly did the thing which would hurt me the most. Varun was resting his head on me and I was thinking all this running my fingers through his hairs. "Shraddha.." He said breaking my train of thoughts. "Yes my baby?" I asked him. "Don't think too much. The police is after that psycho Punit and with the help of clues they will find him." Varun said trying to make me happy. "Varun we were so happy. Our life was just perfect then why all this have to happen." I asked Varun. "Whatever happens we always have to thank God. I think God is taking the test of our love and we have to pass it with the highest marks. So let's just be happy and try not to think so much." Varun said looking into my eyes. "Yeah I think you are right we both will try our best to pass this test." I said smiling. "Your words always makes me feel so better." I said hugging him. My phone beeped and we broke the hug. I saw a message from an unknown number on my phone's screen. I again got scared because I knew from it was. Me and Varun started to read it. It said:
"Shraddha don't get scared of me I will never harm you but if that Varun won't back off I will kill him. I came to know that you reported against me in the police. Now see what will I do."
The message ended and me and Varun stared at eachother expressionless. "Call him and tell him to meet you." Varun suggested. "Varun I can't meet him it's dangerous." I said. "I have a plan just do this and I will tell you my plan." Varun said and I nodded. I tried calling him but his number was switched off and from the one he messaged was also switched off. "The numbers are switched off now how will I contact him?" I said worriedly. "I am sending this number and the message both to the police." I said and then send the number and message to the police. Soon the doctor entered my room for my checkup. "Good to see you Ms Shraddha and Mr Varun." The doctor said. He made Varun walk a little and informed him that he can now walk but he need some support for walking until he is perfectly fine. He also told me that I can walk properly. I am so happy that me and Varun are getting better. "You both want to shift in one room?" The doctor asked us. "Yes." We replied. "Okay I will say to shift one bed here." The doctor said and smiled at us. We smiled back at him and he left saying us to take care. Soon the bed came and they helped Varun to settle on it. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I said. They were Pari and Sid. They handed me and Varun some fruits and flowers. "Thanks." We both said in unison. "So how are you two?" Sid asked. "We are totally fine and we will get discharged tomorrow." Varun said and I smiled. "That's awesome I was missing you bro." Sid said to Varun. "Only missing Varun not me?" I complained. "Who would not miss you?" Sid said. "I was saying that I was missing my roommate." He added and I laughed. "No need to explain I was just joking." I said. "Varun and Shraddha we have also made your notes so you two can catch up on studies." Pari said with a smile. "You two are the bestesr friends one can have." I said and hugged Pari. I can see Varun saddened a bit because he want to gain best grades in college. Before I could say something Sid said to him. "Don't be sad you will do great in exams." He said. "Thanks bro you have supported me a lot." Varun said and patted him on the back. "Okay guys we will leave now. See you tomorrow." Pari said getting up. "Okay bye." I said and they left. It was already night so we decided to take rest and get some good sleep. I kissed Varun's cheek and gave him his medicines and also took my medicines then we went to sleep. It was 1:00 in the morning when I heard Varun's phone ringing. I wonder who it is so late. "It's the police." Varun said and picked up the call.
A/N: So guys keep guessing what the police wants to tell Varun and please keep reading, liking, voting, commenting and sharing...
Love you all,

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