I might have a crush

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I sit on the couch in my living room. I look at the clock. 10:30 at night damn. I look down at the phone next to me. When is he going to call? What if I have people calling about jobs and stuff. I pick up the phone. I click the unlock button and stare at the background. It's the Laceup symbol. No Nicki don't look through it.  My finger goes to touch the gallery. Nicki stop. I keep fighting it to not but finally give in and look. Almost all his pictures were of girls. Must be ones he picks up at shows there were a few ones of him and his friends. Soon the phone vibrates and I get scared and drop it. I snatch it back up and look. It's my phone.


"Yeah. Sorry I didn't call you I got busy anyway. Here is what you got today. You had around six messages from your mom who kept telling you to call her. You had a few emails and you kept getting texts from this weird guy who kept saying sorry. Oh and you had a call from some magazine."

"Shit! Colson you could of txted me! I needed to call that magazine back right away. Fuck!"

"Chill, ma. It will all be gravy. Anyway what did I get?"

"Hmmm. A few picture messages from some girl, a phone call from Diddy and one from some girl that I accdently answered she got really mad and said she isn't fucking you ever again."

"Shitty. But how was your day?"

"Good I guess. I mean I just sat around looking for jobs and I went to starbucks for a bit. Hey, don't you have a show tonight?"

"Naw, ma. I do tomorrow tho. But that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Ugh. you said you didn't have a job right?"

"That is correct. Not to happy at that fact."

"Well, I was wonder if you wanted to come here with me for a few days so we can trade phones and chill."

"Ughh, are you serious?"

"Of course I am. I really want my phone back before we screw eachothers lives."

"I guess I could. But I don't have any money."

"I'll pay. Come on. Please, mofucka."

"Fine. When should I pack?"

"Tomorrow. I'll deal with all that flight shit."

"Well I'm sleepy so call me tomorrow on time please."

"Fine fine ma. Call you at 4 tomorrow. Night"

I click the phone and head towards my room. I change into my PINK yoga shorts and a baggy t-shirt from the bar Hannah works at. I lay in bed and look up at the ceiling. I have a phone that doesn't belong to me and I'm flying to spend time with a guy I hardly know. Great. I'm going crazy. 

Two days later

I get out of the cab with Hannah. I grab my bag and head inside holding hands with her. She has been pretty much my best friend since I moved to Montreal. I haven't been away from her for more than a few hours at a time. I sit by my terminal. 

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"Hannah, I'm leave for like 2 days. I'll be right back."

"Dude, you haven't been to the States in forever it's going to be weird going back, isn't?"

"Yeah. But I'll be home soon. I left rent and other money for bills on the table." 

We hear my flight being called. I hug her and we exchange a few tears. She takes off her neckles and give to me.

"Here, just so you remember to come home." I smile and hug her again

"Be safe while I'm gone." 

I start to walk toward my boarding area and soon arrive on the plane. Soon we are ready for take off. I start falling asleep. I'll be in Kansas in 5 hours. When I wake up, Our plane has landed and I'm one of the last people off. As I walk to get my luggage, I start to get butterflies thinking about Colson. I grab my bag and make my way to find them. As I get to the area, I see Colson holding a sign saying my name. I smile and walk up to him. 

"Hey, mofucka" I hug him

"Hey. Can I have my phone now?"

"Now that is no way to ask someone if you can have your phone back. Can I hear a please"

"Please." He pulls it from his pocket and hands it to me and I do the same.

"Thanks ma, I'm hoping you didn't piss anymore of my girls off anymore."

I laugh 

"No, that one seemed a little crazy tho" We laugh. His laugh is so cute. Soon one of his friends takes my bags and we head to the bus. Once we get on it starts raining really bad. I join Colson on one of the couches.

"So where are we going?"

"Wisconsin" My mouth drops

"Oh really. I used to live there before I went to Montreal"

"Well, you get to go home."

I look out the windshield of the bus the rain is really heavy and the sky is dark. 

I whisper to Colson

"You know it's torando season down here right? I'm scared this weather is freaking me out"

He smiles

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you." He kisses my forehead. Soon we hear the sirens start going off and a radio report to get to shelter immediately since there was a torando warning. I soon make our way to a gas station. As we leave the bus, Colson grabs my hand and we run into the store. Everyone is panicking. We get into the cooler, I grab Colson and hold him close. 

"The last time this happened when I was living in Wisconsin and the tornado touched down right by our school. It was the scariest thing ever."

Soon the lights go out and all I can do is close my eyes and hold him close. He holds me just as tight as I hold him. Soon the storm passes and we head back on the road. As we lay on the couch, he and I talk about our lives. He tells me about his little girl and his past. I talk about Wisconsin and Canada. I think I might just have a crush on this guy. As the bus drove soon, I fall asleep next to him.

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