Every Clyde needs his Bonnie

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Nikki's POV

"Come on, girl, I need ya to come back home!!" I look at Hannah as she packs her bags.

"I don't want too."

"Come on! Please I'll be so lonely!" She pleads with me

"I want to stay here. Just for a few more weeks."

"You have been here for almost two months, Nikole!"

"And your point." I smile as I help her fold her clothes

"You said you would only be here for a few days!!!"

"Well, I like it here." Her mouth drops

"I know you love him. Isreal Nikole! You love him!" She starts shouting as I put my hand over her mouth.

"He'll here you. Shhh. And maybe I do."

"Does he know? Are you guys like official?"

"I don't know. We have talked about it." I look at the clock. 

"I think you guys would be cute together!"

"I think you are going to be late for you flight."

As we arrive at the airport Hannah and I are both in tears. I walk her as far as I could trying to not to keep bawling.

"I hope you come home but if you don't I know why. Just remember every Clyde needs his Bonnie." She smiles and hugs me. We cry a few more minutes and then I watch her walk off. As I walk back towards Colson I think about what Hannah said. Maybe I can be his Bonnie. Once I get up to him, he puts his arm around me as we walk out out of the airport.

"I'm glad you didn't go back to Canada."

"Really?" I look at him

"Yes, really." He kisses me.

"Colson, I'll ride for you no matter what."

"I want to say this but I feel it too early."

"What is that?" I bit my lip wait to her the words I have wanted to hear for the past month

"I love you." My heart almost stops

"I love you too." He kisses me

A billion and one thoughts race through my head. But all them stop when I am with him. I just hope this last forever

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