Home Sweet Home?

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Colson's POV

I sit and wait for Nikki's plane to arrive. I pace back and forth, sign a few autographs, and talk with a few fans. I sit in one of the uncomfortable chairs and put my headphone on and blast Black Flag. Shit why did I come so early. A few minutes and I see her plane fly in, I feel my heart flutter. She is seriously has been the only girl besides Casie and now Phoebe to do that. I head to her gate wait for her. I see her in 5 inch heels which makes her from her 5'9 to 6'2 which makes her as tall as me. I always thought she looked sexier being as tall as me. Her long blonde hair straightened and her blue eye hidden behind sunglass that cover half of her face and our beautiful little girl in her arms. She walks up to me.

"Hey." She pushes her sunglasses on top of her head.

"Hi." She looks as if she had been crying. I look at her.

"Don't ask." 

"I won't." I look down at Phoebe and slowly take her out of mom's arms and hold her.

"Can we leave please?" She starts walking and I follow with our baby in my arms.

After Nikki gets her bags we head to the car. She buckles Phoebe in the new carseat I had bought and sit next to her. I hop in the front.

"Since when did you get your licence back?" She looks at me.

'Few days ago." I call back.

"Hmm." I can't keep my slience anymore.

"Why are you acting different? I thought you would be happy to be back." 

"Oh, I'm just thinking about stuff and I am happy." 


"I left Grand Hustle...' She look down at her hands. I stop the car and turn around to look at her.


"I'm not happy doing it anymore."

"What? You love what you do."

"I made my dream came true way faster than I thought it would, Colson. Plus I didn't expect a baby to get in the way of everything." I get upset at her attuduted about Phoebe.

"To get in the way? Phoebe didn't get in the way. You had the choice, you didn't do it. Don't blame her for things. I kept my career after I had Casie and I still took care of her." She looks at me stuned at what I just said then get mad.

"Where were you huh? The nights I called? I called you the night I went into labor. I remember it going to voicemail then getting a text saying can't talk, have a show." I look down at floor of the SUV. It made me think about that night.

"Nicole. I'm.." She intrups me.

"Save it." She goes threw her purse and hands me a stack of papers. I look at them

"What is this?"

"Papers about us giving custody of Phoebe to Hannah's parents." She look at Phoebe. I stare at them. I've never hit a woman but at that point I was about to.

"Are you crazy?"

"No. It is what is best for our daughter. You sure as hell can't stay at home and take care of her and either can I.  I rather her grow up in loving home with people can actually spend time with her. I was going to do this before I told you but that didn't work and now I have to get you to okay it."

"No. Im not giving custody of my daughter to some people because you are being selfish." I give them back to her.

"Me, selfish? Oh please."

"You are crazy."

"Fine then have her." She gets out of the car and starts walking down the street. I sit there shocked. I get out and head to the back of the car. I sit next to Phoebe. I don't even bother to chase after Nikole. I just look at Phoebe, she does look like a mini me. I sit and stare and think about everything Nikole said. 

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." I kiss her tiny forehead and see srunches her face and smiles.

"I'm sorry about walking away from you." I look up and see Nikole there. 

"Nikole, I'm sorry about the things I said. I just remember when me and my ex were fighting about Kasey after she was born. I'm sorry." She smiles and jumps back in the car.

"It's okay. We both said thing we shouldn't have. I'm just glad, she is going to have an amazing daddy like you in her life." I smile as she says that.

"What about us?" I look at her.

"I don't know. We need time but I will fully move to Cleveland if we get a bigger place." She looks at me. I try to kiss her but she pulls back.

"What ? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, it's just I'm not ready for that let."


"To be honest, I haven't got over the fact that you cheated on me."

"I told you I was sorry about that and that would never happen again."

"I know. But it is a trust thing. I will always care for you and we will always be with you because of her."


"Colson, we can make this work. Let's focus on her and see where this leads us."

"Yes. Let's do that."

4 years later

Nikki's POV

"Mama, mama, I'm already for me first day of school!" Phoebe come running into the kitchen.

"Okay, calm down. It is only 7 you have school at 8:30." I smile at her and kiss her.

"Where is daddy? I want him to see my new outfit." 

"Good question. Colson!" I shout and then someone slow stomping down the stairs.

"Yes?" He comes in the kitchen.

"Remember you have to take the girl's to school today."

"Yes. I wouldn't forget to take my girl's to school." He left Phoebe over his  shoulder and spin her around. Phoebe just giggles. I put the breakfast down and see I need to leave.

"I love you, Phoebe. Have a good first day of school." I kiss and hug her as I leave.

Colson and I have yet to get back together. We go on dates but we sleep in different rooms of the house to prevent unnecessary problems. He bugs me about getting back together sometime but I tell him in time maybe in the future we will have a relationship. And just to think all this started with me grabbing the wrong phone.


This is the end! I hope you guys enjoyed!

xoxo Ana


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