Back story

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I soon wake up to the noise of snoring for Colson. I get up and look around and head to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I throw my hair into a bun and head back to the couch. When I walk back, I see Colson up. 

"Ugh, sorry if I woke you up. My neck hurt."

"It's ight, ma."

"I didn't mean to fall asleep on you last night. Just with the storm you know?"

"I didn't mind it at all."

I sit down next to him.

"So, let's play 20 questions, mofuka"


"To know eachother better. I dropped some cash on you to come here. I wanna know you"

"Fine. You first"


"Chilton, Wisconsin. What about you?"

"Well I wasn't really born there but Cleveland"

"Ahh. Hmm, Full Name"

"Are you serious?" He laughs "Richard Colson Baker. What about you?"

"I haven't told anyone my real name since I lived here in the States...Isreal Nikole Riley"

"Shit ma, what name have you been using?"

"I changed it once I moved to Nikole Ryder"

"I like your real name better." He laughs

"Shut up. I hated my name. Why I changed it"

"Why did you move to Canada?"

"It's a long story."

"We have time."

"I really don't wanna talk about it, Colson"

"Pleaseee. We have another hour till we are in Wisconsin"

He moves up closer to me and is front of me giving me puppy dog eyes.


Just as I was about to start. Everyone is starting to wake up.

"Hey mofuckas!" He jumps up and greets his friends

"Hey Nikki, this is Slim, Dubo,&&Rookie. There is more of them but I have no idea where they are"

He laughs. All the guys come up and shake my hand. We all sit in the main area of the bus talking. Colson interrupted

"Before you guys interrupted , Nikki was about to tell me about why she moved to Canada"

"Colson, It's a long story." I look at the group "It's boring, you guys will hate it" The one named Slim pipes up

"Naw. Tell us. It will make this trip shorter"

"Okay fine. So I was born in Chilton. Your typical small town. Everyone knew everyone and there business. My parents owned on of the many dairy farms. I was your typically farmers daughter. All good two shoes up till when I was around 15ish I moved away from country music and started listing to rock and rap I started changing then one day I was sitting in class and the tornado sirens start going off. We move to the hallway then the tornado touched down in the football and barley missed our school. I was so scared that I was going to die. I thought what have I done thats fun in my life. So I started changing when I got car I was driving hours to some of my favorite concerts and to go to the city. I loved it and when i was 17 met Hannah online she told me to come move to the city with her. So I worked my ass off to graduate early and I work as much I could to get the money then one night I just left. I got into my car and started driving. Once I reached Canada I had hardly any money. So we lived with Hannah's parents for awhile and I started learning how to rap."  I hear a gasp

"Yes rap. Anyway, we moved out of Hannah's and got our own apartment. I turned 18 and changed my name and sold my car for rent money. Ever since then I have been on my grind to have a happy life. I wouldn't change any of it for anything"

"Wow ma" I feel Colson hug me.

"Yeah that's the short version" I laugh. "So where are we going in Wisconsin?"


"Oh my god, that was my favorite place to go when I went away on weekends! I haven't been there in so long!" 

"Chill, ma." He laughs at me.

Few hours later

We sit on the bus in the parking lot of the venue where they were preforming. We start smoking and drinking. Everyone heads inside expect Colson and I. He grabs my hips and pulls me close. He towers over me since I'm 5'5 and he is 6'3. I look up at him

"Your eyes are hella red, ma" I smile 

"So are yours."

"I'm glad you came."

"Me too. I thought you were crazy when you asked me but then I said I will never let anything hold me back ever again." He pulls me closer, leans down and kisses me

"Let's head inside, ma" He grabs my hand and we run inside since it was down pouring. Once inside the first acts our finishing up and we are all sitting waiting for Dubo to go on.

"So, Nikki, you said you can spit. Let's hear ya" Dubo smiles at me

"Really guys. I really don't want too" Soon they all start chanting my name.

"Nikki, Nikki, Nikki"

"Fine!" I take a deep breathe. "Walk a mile in these Louboutins but they don't wear these shits where I'm from. I'm not hatin, I'm just telling you. I'm tryna let you know what the fuck I've been through. Two feet in the red dirt, school skirt, sugar cane, back lanes. 3 jobs took years to save but I got that gas money. People got a lot to say but don't know shit about where I was made or how many floors I had to scrub. Just to make it past where I'm from." I take another breath, everyone jaws had dropped. "I have more to it. I just don't want to do anymore" 

"Wow, that was amazing." Dubo looks shocked. Soon a man comes in and tell Dubo he needs to go on stage which means Colson was going on soon. So when Dubo is on stage I sit on the side and watch him. I look out at the crowd. It's crazy how many people had come to see them. Once Dubo finished Colson got ready to go on. All you could hear was "MGK, MGK,MGk". Right before he heads on he gives me one more kiss. The starts and he jumps on stage and starts with his song Cleveland. As I watch him on stage I start to think I'm crazy, I hardly know this guy and I'm head over heels for him.....


Well hear it is. I hope you guys like this one. The song that Nikki sings is actually Work by Iggy Azalea who is my new girl crush<3  Video for the song is on the side.

xoxo Ana

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