Secrets come out (pt.1)

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I lay next to Colson as the sun rises. I look at him. I miss him. Everything about him from his smile to that goofy way he sleeps at night. I kiss him and his blue eyes open up. I need to tell him about her.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiles and slides up against the head board.

"Colson, I need to tell you something." I look down and my phone and pull up a picture. I look at her pretty little smile.

"What, baby." I take a huge breathe.

"I was pregnant when I left you." I look at him and his eyes get wide and his mouth drops.

"What? Please tell me you are joking." I start to cry and shake my head, no. I left up my phone and show him the picture of his daughter. He slowly grabs the phone and holds it.

"I'm so sorry, Colson." I cry some more.

"Why didn't tell me?" I see the tears run down his face.

"There was a lot going on. Ashleigh told me you start using again after I left. I was so scared."

"When were you going to tell me?" He still holds my phone.

"I'm not even sure."

"Why? Even if we weren't together I could've helped you."


"What's her name?' He holds me as I cry.

"Phoebe Reanne." I look up at him

"Where is she?"

"With a sitter. She has been on tour with me the whole time." He just hugs me.

"Why did I ever hear about her?"

"Because I have been keeping her a secert. I want to keep her out of this life and raise her normal, Colson."

"Can I met her?"

"Only if you promise not to leave or hurt her." He wipes my tears and kisses me.

"I will never hurt you guys ever again."

"How did you model when you were pregnant?" I smile and giggle.

"Because I was in the studio the whole time." He kisses me and make the phone call to the sitter.

As we wait for the sitter, I tell Colson all about Phoebe. Soon, there is a knock at the door and I answer. I grab Phoebe in my arms and slowly take her to the bed, where Colson is eagerly waiting. I slow sit on the bed and hand her to Colson.

"Phoebe, this is your daddy." I smile at her. He just looks at her in shock. He holds her.

"Oh you are so beautiful, Phoebe." He kisses her forehead as her blue eyes just stare up at him. He wipes is eyes.

"We are going back to Atlanta tomorrow." I look at him.

"I can't believe, I have another little girl. She is beautiful." He just looks at her memorized.


Okay guys I'm not sure if I like this. If you guys want to me change or keep it let me know via comments or likes! Please and Thank you. If I see enough people like it I will continue this.

xoxo Ana

The Mix Up(MGK fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang