Lucifer's Concerto

76 11 15

First place in Contest&Things poetry competition May/2016

Her fingers skipped across the keys

creating magic melodies

the sound reverberating in their hearts

Her body swayed, her eyes were closed

listening to the notes composed

each depicting individual parts

The volume soared

the low notes roared

the base clef booming its own power

A distinctive change in posture

as blurred fingers summoned rapture

and the treble clef exploded in a shower

With sharps and flats the notes they flew

the meter changed to something new

each octave defining its own piece

And with a thundering applause

the respectful audience arose

except the maestro's music didn't cease

Sweat glazed the players face

then something took her place

the applause and bravos stuttered to a halt

At the keyboard sat the devil

the music's noise went up a level

bringing cries of terror in fear of the assault

The piano erupted into flame

as the devil played its game

and the souls of all attendees turned to ash

Smoke and silence filled the room

and then with laughter from the gloom

strode the devil in a display of pure panache

As it surveyed the voice it cackled

while the fires embers crackled

in the sulphur air hung remnants of the tune

And as it hummed the melody

souls were tallied guiltlessly

for the trip their mortal shells would be on soon

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