The Call

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Steve's P.O.V:  
We just got back from Peggy's funeral and we head up to the main floor. I have just lost the love of my life and there is no way I can get her back. I wish that I could see her beautiful smile again and tell her how much I love her one more time. But I can't...

   Thinking about Peggy puts me on the verge of tears, but I know I have to keep it together because I'm the Captain and I have to be strong for the team.

No one really knew Peggy that well except for Bucky, but they only met a few times. As I'm thinking about the memories that Peggy and I shared, Bucky interrupts my train of thought, "I'm sorry Steve." He begins and I just stare at him and give him a sad smile and he gives me one back. 

"Do you want anything to eat? You've barely had any food today. How about some..." He begins but I cut him off, "I'm fine. I just need some rest right now."

   "Ok. Just come up if you need anything" he replies as I walk to the elevator and I give him a reassuring wave.

   I can tell that's he's worried about me. He always knows what I'm feeling even when I don't. I'd be with him right now, but I just need some time alone.

After I take off my suit and change into my pjs, I decide to go to bed early.  I put my phone on my nightstand and and look at the clock. It reads 7:21 p.m. I shut off my light and hope that this terrible day is just some nightmare that I will wake up from.


BUZZ BUZZ. I get woken up by my phone vibrating. I grab it and answer it as I turn on the light and check the clock. It says 1:39 a.m. Who would be calling at this time?

"Hello?" The voice said. "Is this Steve Rogers?" It asks. By the sound of it, I think it is a woman. "Yes. How do you know my name?" I respond to the unfamiliar voice.

   "Captain, I'm so sorry to hear about Ms. Carter. From what I heard, she was an amazing woman." Oh great. Right when I wasn't thinking about Peggy, she brings it up again.

"Thanks." I say trying to sound polite. "What is this about?" I question, still trying to figure out who this person is. "You were frozen in ice in 1945, and woke up 70 years later in 2013. Is this correct?" She asks in a rushed tone.

"How do you know all of that? Who are you?" I ask very confused and suspicious now. "That doesn't matter right now. I'll explain everything later. But you have to meet me at 87 Linden Street as soon as possible." She replies a little louder.

   "I don't even know who you are. How do I know this isn't a trap?" I question. "You don't" she says, "but if you ever want to see Peggy again, then you'll meet me here."

  "What?" I ask. "What do you mean? How could you do this?" I ask hopeful and skeptical of the anonymous woman.

   "I have this...this sorta gift, where I can travel in time. I can take you back to 1945 if you'd like. But if you don't come here now, you'll never see Peggy again."

   I pause and try to think this through. This is probably a trap. It most likely is a trap. But I have a chance to see Peggy again and I have to take it.

"Ok. I'll go. But if you try anything..." I threaten. "Trust me I won't try anything." "Ok." I say still very skeptical. "I'll see you in an hour." She responds. "Ok" I say and I look at my clock. "I'll see you soon Cap." She says as if she's known me for years. Before she can hang up the phone, I ask, "Wait? I don't even know you're name."

I hear her laughing and she says in a happy voice, "I almost forgot. My name is Claire. Claire Simmons." "Ok Claire. I'll see you soon" I say and hang up the phone. I get dressed and go to the garage to find a car. I bring my shield with me just in case. I'm going to see Peggy again!

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