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Steve's. P.O.V:
   Life was simply beautiful. I was with the woman I love and we were having our first child. But I can't help but worry that it'll all be gone very, very soon and that there's nothing I can do to stop it. My thoughts are interrupted by Peggy coming back from the bathroom.
     "Steve, love, are you alright?" She asks, knowing something's up. I quickly attempt to dodge the question but she see right through me. "Steve, tell me what's wrong. You've been acting strange all week. Is it about the baby? Do you not want to be a dad anymore or...?" She questions, a look of sadness spread across her face, but I immediately interject. "Not at all! I couldn't be happier than I am right now with you. I love you, I love our child, and I love our life. I couldn't be happier!" Peggy smiles but still asks questions. "So then what's bothering you?" "I don't know. It's like I've been having flashbacks of memories. But they're not my memories, they can't be." And before Peggy can ask another question I get a sharp pain on the right side of my head.
    I try to ignore it at first but I can't; it the stabbing sensation keeps growing, causing me to scream out in pain. I grab my head and squeeze my eye shut. In avid attempts to relieve this pain, while Peggy rushes to my side. She keeps asking what's wrong and I can tell that she's crying but I'm too preoccupied to comfort her now. I see the memories from my dreams but this time they're all hitting me at once and I can't wake up and stop it like before. Suddenly I see a man, but he's not a stranger; I know him, I trust him. But I can't remember who he is for the life of me. "Steve," he calls out desperately. "How do you know my name?" I yell back and I see his face sink in sadness. We must know each other. Why can't I remember him? "Steve you've got to listen to me ok?" I normally wouldn't just trust any stranger but I can't help but believe every word that this mystery man says. I strangely trust him. "My name is Bucky and I'm your best friend, but judging by the face you're making right now you probably don't remember that. You may think what you're seeing is real but it's not. It's a simulation in your head!" He exclaims and I stop listening to him. "No, no, no..." I say, putting a hand up to stop him from talk any further by he cuts me off. "It's true Steve!" He yells and we stare at each other in silence. He then speaks again, but more softer, noticing how upset I am. "It is, bud. I'm sorry but it's true. None of this is real." "Why should I believe you? I love my life! I have a great job, I'm married to the love of my life and we're about to have a baby together. Why would I want to leave that?" I say and he looks down in contemplation before turning his head to his left, like he's talking to someone, but there's no one there.

Bucky's P.O.V:
"Tony, what do I do?" I ask helplessly. "You have to make him remember. All the good, all the bad- everything." He says. I nod and quickly turn back to Steve. "Steve, do you remember when we first met? It was back in grade school." I begin and he stressfully shakes his head. "No! I...I don't!" I ignore him and continue, "Remember...remember those kids that were picking on you? They were ruthless, always pushing you around but you gave it right back to them! They were double your size, but you always put up a fight. Then one day I saw them wailing on you real bad and I stoped them. That was when we first met and we decided that we'd be best friends from that day on. Remember Steve?" I ask and I can see that he's trying hard to remember, until a lightbulb flashes on in his mind temporarily and he looks up at me saying, "You saved me." I laugh to myself, happy to make at least some progress in getting my best friend back. Suddenly I feel the ground beneath me rumbling and I look from Steve to Tony for an explanation. "It's happening in his mind. He's recovering all of these memories but Swindler's spell is trying to reverse it. Capsicle's mind is trying to fight to keep them, which means you don't have long. This is the only chance we have to get him back Barnes. It's now or never." Tony finishes and I stare at him in shock before going back to Steve. Ok, we don't have any time to waste so I have to hit the heavy stuff or I'll never get him back. He has o remember the good and the bad, like Tony said. "Steve, we don't have much longer so you're going to have to remember everything a lot faster, we can't waste any time, ok?" I ask and he nods his head, allowing me to continue. "Do you remember when your mom died?" I ask and I can tell by his grim expression that he does, but I continue to speaking to make the memories come faster, hopefully triggering other ones. "My folks offered to take you to the funeral but you insisted on taking yourself there. said how you were just happy that your mom was with your dad now..." I say and he quickly interjects. "How the hell do you know that?!?" He yells as tears fall down his face. "Because Steve! I'm your best friend. I was there!" I say desperately, trying to look into his eyes to see if he's remembering but his head is down. "What did I say to you that day. When we were on your porch and you were going into your house, what'd I say? Come on Steve say it!" I yell in pure desperation.
     Suddenly I hear a soft whisper come from him, "No." "What?" I ask, unsure if I'm hearing him correctly. " I. Said. No." He says in his Captain America voice, staring me straight in the face. "But Steve..." I begin, but he cuts me off. "You can't be real." He says more to himself than to me. "Why not?" I ask confused. "Because...because if you're real...then that means that she's not. I...I can't live without her." He says, as I watch tears falls down his face. "Oh Steve," I begin, unsure of what to do. I look again to Tony for guidance, but Veronica surprisingly speaks up. "Bucky! Tell him that I can get her back in real life." She exclaims and I look at her in disbelief. "What? How? I thought that you couldn't time travel for another so many years." I ask but Tony interrupts. "I could make something with Banner to fix that. Now tell him quick, you got about a minute left before we lose him for good." Tony concludes and I turn my attention back to a contemplative Steve. "Steve!" I yell, pulling him from his thoughts. "You can come back to us and still be with Peggy. Veronica can bring her back, the real her, not some illusion in your mind." I say and he looks at me before asking, "What do I have to do?" I smile before beginning, "You just have to remember. When I was still under Hydra's control, you tried to save me. You refused to leave me. You kept fighting to save. What did you say to me Steve to make me come back to you? What did you say?" I ask urgently, knowing that there are only seconds left to save him. "I...I..." he begins stuttering, struggling to remember. Oh god, we're not going to save him! I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts by Steve saying, "I'm with ya till the end of the line."

Hey guys! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! I am doing option 3, thank you to everyone who commented! Please tell me what you think about this chapter and feel free to make any recommendations for upcoming chapters! Don't forget to comment and vote! You should be expecting another chapter next week. :)

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