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Bucky's P.O.V: We leave the man who hit me with his car's house and we go to the SHIELD building. We couldn't find Steve but we could find Peggy. Where ever she his, Steve is probably with her, or close behind. Veronica and I enter the shield building and there is chaos everywhere--officers scrambling and running, pulling out their guns.
"What's happening?" Veronica asks. "I don't know." I say slowly and worriedly and drag my hand down my face. Steve! What about Steve! Where is he? I think to myself. "We've got to find Steve." I say expecting the worse and Veronica follows me as I run frantically around the building, searching for my best friend. "STEVE!" I yell but get no response. "STEVE!!!" I yell again but still nothing. We keep walking and have are guns that we brought with us from earlier in our hands. "Do you think Claire's here?" Veronica asks but I'm to concentrated on Steve to give her my full attention. "I don't know. Maybe." I say and keep searching. I realize that I am totally dismissing Veronica. I can't believe how selfish in being. Her sister could be in trouble too but I'm too focused on Steve to care. I stop and turn to Veronica and say, "Hey, we're going to find Claire. She's going to be fine. Trust me." I say and her worried face becomes a little less worried with some reassurance. A give her a smile and she smiles back. "Alright let's go." I say. "We need to find Steve...and Claire." I finish and we head on our way.
We turn the corner and I grab Veronica's hand and give her a reassuring smile. I suddenly see Steve and Peggy and some other guy with them. "STEVE!" I yell. Steve turns around and yells, "Bucky?" Not sure if it's me or not. I smile in response and run towards him and he does the same. We give each other a big hug. In the the hug I say, "Steve, it's good to see you man." "It's good to see you too Buck" Steve says. "I was so worried about you man. I thought you...died or something. You scared the crap out of me." I say and laugh a little. We get out of the hug and Steve says, "don't worry, I'm safe. We're safe." And he gives me a reassuring smile. Steve looks towards Veronica with confusion and I guess that's my que to introduce them. "This is Veronica. She's here to save you ad bring you home."

Steve's P.O.V:  "Steve!" Someone yells and I look to see who it is. He yells my name again and I look closer now, thinking I know who it is. "Bucky?" I ask and he smiles. We run towards each other and hug. Bucky tells me how worried he was and I can see it in his face too. I tell him that I'm okay and not to worry and he smiles a little bit. I can't believe I put him through all of that stress. I hope he's okay. I look towards the woman next to him waiting for Buck to introduce us. "This is Veronica. She's hear to save you and get you home." Bucky says and grins. I think he likes her. They look cute together.
     My thought is interrupted when Veronica asks, "Where's Claire?" And brings me back to the dilemma. "She's gone. She escaped." I say. "Oh no! It's too late." Veronica says. "We can't stop it now." "Stop what?" I ask. "No no no! There has to be another way." Bucky says and ignores my question. "What can't you stop?" I ask loudly now. "The end. The end of the world." Veronica says and stares at me. My heart drops. "What do you mean?" I ask frantically. "When Claire took you back, she got a lot of energy from you." Veronica says. "Yeah but isn't that so she could bring me back?" I ask confused. "yes but she took more than she needed and saved the extra energy." Bucky says. "Why would she do that?" Peggy asks and we all look towards her. Forgetting to say hello, Bucky says, "hi Peggy." And she says, "hello agent Barnes." And they give each other a quick hug before we return to the conversation. "She is using the extra energy to go back to the future to kill Stark, Thor, Banner, Fury, Natasha, and Clint. But she's going back to when they were kids so they can't save anyone." Why would Claire do this? Why? "But why? Why can't she kill them in the present time. Why does she have to go back?" I ask. "Because her and Veronica's parents died from one of Stark's inventions when they were kids." "Then why not stop he invention from happening. Or just kill Stark God forbid?" I ask. Still confused on her logic but not wanting Tony dead. "She does want to kill Stark but she also wants to kill you guys because you couldn't save her parents so you shouldn't be able to save anyone else either." Bucky says. And things start to make a little sense now. "So how do we stop her?" I ask. "We can't. She already has enough energy to go back." Veronica says. "Then we follow her there." "No. The trip would kill you. They've already taken too much energy from you as is. Anymore and you'll die." Veronica says. I think for a minute and then come to a decision. "We have to go." I say and immediately Peggy says no. "Wait wait. You didn't let me finish. Why can't you use both Bucky and my's energy. That way we won't die from it. Would it work?" I ask. And there is a silence for a few minutes while Veronica thinks. "If I take energy from both of you, it could work. But that's only a 50% chance Steve." Veronica says. "Then we have to take it." I say and Bucky agrees. "Can Peggy come?" I ask. And Bucky gives me a sad smile. "Hey what are the faces for? It could work?" I say. "Steve, she'd never make shield." Buck says. "But there's a chance that they can make t without her!" I say. "Steve..." Bucky begins but I cut him off. "NO!! I can't lose her again! I can't lose her again...I can't." I say and my anger turns into sadness. "Steve," Peggy says. But I cut her off. "No Peggy. I already lost you once. I can't do it again." I say. And she smiles. "I won't go Steve." Peggy says. "What?" I ask. "You never asked me whether I wanted to go or not. I'm staying here." She says. "But Peggy..." I begin and this time she cuts me off. "No Steve. I love you. And I always will love you. But people's lives are at risk and if I can save them then I have to take that chance." She says and I just look down as we're in a hug. "We never got to go dancing." I say with tears filling my eyes. "Let's go now." She says and I stare at her in a dancing position. We start dancing and I step on her toes a few times. But then I get the hang of it and we glide across the floor. Just me and Peggy. "I love you Steve." Peggy says, are feet still moving. "I love you too Peggy." I say and before we can kiss the sound off a gun going off fills the air. I turn around and see Claire. But next to her there's a man on the floor and he's holding his leg. I think she shot him. I look closer and I see that it's Bucky. She now has him in a choke hold with one hand and a gun pointing to his head. "Bucky!" I yell. And walk close to him as I push Peggy behind me. "Steve!" He tried to say but she tightens the hold, making it harder for him to speak. "If you hurt him I swear I'll..." I being but Claire cuts me off. "Oh what are you going to do Captain? Please tell me. We're all intreated in what the Captain had to say." And I just give her and evil stare. "I thought so. You now I finally found your weakness." Claire says and gives me a smile. "What is it?" I ask. Knowing what the answer is. "Your friends. You'd do anything for them. Even die for them. It's too bad your little friend Buck here has to die." Claire says and I try a new tactic fearing for Buck's life as his eyes widen. Before I can say anything, Veronica steps forward and says, "Stop! Don't do this Claire!" And Claire looks surprised at this. "Just put the gun down and let Bucky go. Okay? We won't hurt you. Just back home. And we can live happy together like how things use to be." Veronica finishes and it looks like Claire's about to put down the gun but she says, "We were never happy. This is the only way it can be. I'm sorry." Claire finishes and I immediately start talking, "Hey hey hey! No no no..." And before I can finish Claire pulls the trigger and Bucky falls to the ground, dead.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in forever. I've been so busy with the holidays and school and everything. But I hope to be able to post more frequently. I know it's a cliff hanger but I couldn't find a better way to end it. Don't worry, something will happen in the next few chapter that will make you happy again. Please tell me what you think and leave any comments or suggestions. I read them all. And thank you for commenting, following, and voting for my stories! It's really means a lot. I'm almost at 600 follower so please help me reach my goal of 600 before January 10th. Thanks again.

Also please check out my other stories and my new story called The Time Whisperers. I'm just starting that one and would love to hear your ideas. Thanks again. Keep being awesome.

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