Life At Its Best

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Bucky's P.O.V: (at Stark Towers)
"Alright. So we were right." Tony says and I turn my head to hear the news. "It's a psychological battle. His brain activity is off the charts. He thinks that whatever's happening is real but it's not. It's all in his head. That's how Swindler is attacking him." Bruce finishes. I look down and get ten times more worried. "So what do we do?" I ask. Tony and Bruce exchange looks and then Tony says "Nothing. There's nothing we can do..." I quickly cut him off and get up from my chair and yell, "What? What do you mean nothing? NOTHING?? There's absolutely nothing we can do for him? No, no. I just...I...I can't believe it. So we're going to just sit here and go on with our 'great lives' while Steve lays in that bed, and turns into and immobile vegetable?!? No I won't...I won't let that happen. We have to do something. We have to." There's a slight pause and everyone looks at me. I wipe eyes and sit back down.
"As I was saying," Tony begins "we can't do anything here. But, Banner and I came up with plan. A little embarrassed for blowing up, I slouch in my seat, trying not to make direct eye contact with anyone. "Well, the only way to wake Steve up is by convincing him that that reality is not real He forgot the real world so someone has to remind him of it." "Well how do we do that?" Natasha asks. "We have them use this device, made by your favorite science bros, that will allow one of us to communicate with Steve. The one catch is that we won't have very long. It all depends on how complicated the spell is that Swindler put on Steve." Tony finishes, proud of Bruce and his work. "How long would they have?" Clint ask and Tony said that it would be five musites, max. "So whoever does it has to be very quick. Who do we want to do it?" Bruce asks us and Nat speaks. "Well it should obviously be Bucky, right? They have the most history together and he's the closest thing that Steve has to a brother." Everyone nods in agreement, including myself, while Tony dramatically gasps. "Well Ms. Romanov, I thought Steve and I had a rather close bond." He jokes, earning himself a light punch in the shoulder from Nat. "You sure you want to do this Barnes?" Tony questions, hooking me up to the surprisingly tiny device. I simply glare at him, us both knowing the answer. "I know, had to ask," I give a quick look around at my teammates, my gaze lingering slightly longer on Veronica. "Bring him home." Tony says seriously and I nod and stand up straight, as Tony turns on the machine.

Steve's P.O.V:
I open my eyes to see that I'm in a a room that I've never seen before. I try to sit up but quickly regret it. I moan and lay back down. The lights are off or dimmed. I can't tell. All of a sudden a shadowy figure rushes towards me and I immediately get defensive, not sure who it is.
"Slow down hunny." A woman says. I look questioningly at her, still not able to see who she is. But I recognize that voice...Peggy? No it can't be! Can it?
The light quickly turns on and I turn to see someone that I thought I'd never see again..."Are you alright love?"...Peggy. I immediately smile and tears begin to fall down my face as I pull her into a hug. "Oh I've missed you so much! What's happened since I've been gone?" I ask and we release from the hug. "Steve, are you alright? You were only out for a few hours." She says worriedly. "Really?" I ask. "How? I was frozen for almost 70 years until...until..." I begin as i feel my memories fading. "I...I can't remember his name!" I exclaim and I hear Peggy chuckle as she rubs a hand through my hair. "That's probably because he never existed. Steve you weren't frozen for 70 years. You simply fell and hit your head. That's all. Those memories must have been a dream maybe." Peggy concludes and I agree but I can't help but get this gut wrenching feeling that there's something wrong.
"Are you sure you're ok?" She asks again, interrupting my thoughts. Yeah I'm positive. Just have a...headache." I look down at her and I see a big belly staring back at me. "Wow! Are you?" I ask and Peggy gives me the weirdest look. "Pregnant?" "What? Yes I am Steve! 8 months! I think I should take you to a doctor." She says "no really I'm fine. Just... glad to be home." She looks at me concerningly but moves on.
"Hey, where's..." I begin but forget. "Who?" Peggy asks. "This man, I think we're friends. He has like brown hair or something. His name rhymes with...with...lucky." I say, but she shakes her head. "Oh well, was probably nothing." I say as I get out of bed. "Could have been an old war buddy." Peggy thinks. "Yeah, that's probably it." I let the thought of that man slip from my mind as I walk out of the room with Peggy.
"Do you want me to cook some dinner?" She asks but I offer something else instead, "Actually, I have a better idea. Why don't we eat out and then go dancing." "You really want me to dance like this?" She asks, looking down at her pregnant belly before continuing. "I can barely walk Steve, let alone dance. Why don't we just take a rain check? You don't even know how to dance! Remember our wedding?" she chuckles thinking back, but I get very serious. "Peggy...please. You can teach me!" I begin and she simply smiles before I continue pleading. "We could go down to the Old Stork club and dance, even if it's just to one song! We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your..." I stop, a single tear falling down my face. I quickly wipe it, unsure of where it came from. "Steve...Steve?" Peggy asks when I don't respond, but I answer shortly after. "I'd hate to step on your feet." I finish with a smile and she reciprocates it. "Alright then. Let me put on my shoes and then we can head out. Why don't you get the car started?" I head to the car with a big smile on my face. I wonder why I wanted to go dancing so bad. My thoughts, however, are I interrupted by Peggy walking to the car. I quickly run the her side to open the door for her and help her in. She smiles at me lovingly and I do the same. When I get back in my seat she says, "Steve, I hope that you don't mind me asking, but why were you so keen on dancing?" I think for a second, still unsure of my reason. "I don't know." I begin, "I just had this...this horrible feeling that if I didn't now, I'd never be able to again." Not wanting to press any more she nods and looks towards the road as I back out of the driveway. We leave without a worry in the world, life at its best.

Hey guys! Sorry for the feels right there but I hope you enjoy! I edited this chapter so sorry for the changes! Please comment suggestions! I love hearing them! And I will respond to any and all comments! Thanks for reading!!

Update: I just made a slight change to this chapter to accommodate of me changing the way that the story is going. Veronica is not going to get attacked by Swindler, instead Tony and Bruce made Bucky a device so he could get into contact with Steve. Hope you enjoyed!

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