New Captain

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Bucky's P.O.V: I wake up and I see Tony run in. "What is it?" I ask tired. "We found him!" Tony says like a giddy school boy. "Found him...Steve!" I say. "Yeah." He says and I try to sit up but moan in pain. Tony runs over and says, "hey, take it easy. You're staying here. You're not well enough yet." He says and that just gets me mad. "No! I'm going! You tell me that my best friend in the whole wide my brother is dead and then that he may be alive, but you won't let me go find him?" I ask. "Bucky, we're going to bring him here. It's better if you stay. It'll be one less thing that we have to worry about." He says in a compelling way. "Fine. But I'm not happy about it." I say. and Tony smiles.
"Nat will stay with you incase there's an issue here. Stay in bed! I can't stress that enough!" Tony says and I nod. "Tony, we gotta go." Veronica says. "Okay. Got to go. Stay in bed." Tony says "I will. I will." I say and Tony stares at Veronica and me for a second and then realized it's time for him to leave.
"So, are you going to be okay?" Veronica asks as she walks over to me. "I'll be fine." I say and then I remember my rudeness from earlier. "Hey, I'm sorry about how I acted earlier. I was upset about Steve but I shouldn't of done that." I say. "It's ok say Buck. I forgive you. I know how it feels to lose someone you love." She says and a tear falls down her face. Claire seems to be just another villain to me, but I keep forgetting that it's Veronica's sister. I can only imagine how hard it must of been on Steve when he found out that I was the winter soldier.
   I wipe her tear and ask, "how are you doing? I mean with Claire and all." There's a slight pause, but only for a second. "I'm okay. I've been better. I...I just can't believe she'd do that." "Well she probably did it for you and your parents. She did it because she loves...loved you." I say. She smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Bucky. I have to go. They're all waiting for me." She says. She walks away and I just stare into the distance.
   Suddenly, I see her run back in and say, "I forgot something" and gives me a kiss on the lips. That was our first real kiss and it was good. Really good. God I love this girl. "See ya." Veronica says. "See ya." I say back and she walks out the door.

Veronica's P.O.V: We're almost to where Steve is on Tony's special tracking device. He had some special name for it, but I forgot what it was. I don't really know Steve, yet I feel like we've been friends for ever since what all of the avengers have told me about him. Especially Bucky. You can tell that they really love each other.
   It's hard for them to hide the nervousness and anxiousness from their faces.
   It's been almost an hour and still no Steve. I wonder how much longer this is going to be. I want to ask but the don't really no me that well and I don't want to seem impatient. "How much longer until we get there Clint?" Bruce asks. Finally! I was wondering how long it would be until someone asks that. "I'm not sure. Tony?" Clint asks to the man beside him staring intensively at the laptop and moving his fingers at what seems like the speed of lightning. "Uh...well my device is having some glitches because it's just a prototype." Tony says, still focusing on the screen. "Will we be able to find Steve though?" Clint asks worriedly. And for the first time since we left the tower, Tony looked up at from his screen and into clint's eyes for a split second with a reassuring look and said, "We'll find him." They give each other a warm smile and then continue to their work.
   "Clint? Clint are you there?" Natasha reads into the coms. I can hear panic and fear in her voice and I guess everyone else noticed too because we're all huddled around it. "Nat? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Clint asks. We wait for a second with no response. Only statics. So, Clint speaks again, repeating the same thing. Still no response. Okay down thing is seriously wrong right now. All we can do is give each other fearful looks. Finally, Clint calls Natasha one more time and there is a response. "Clint?" Natasha says. "Nat! Are you okay? What happened?" He asks. Bucky! "What about Bucky? Is he okay?" I ask anxiously and everyone can see the major crush I have on him now. Great.
   "This...this girl came. She...she..." Natasha begins but doesn't finish. Instead we hear a strange noise. It's her crying. Oh no. Bucky! "Nat, hey stay calm. It's all going to be okay. Tell us what happened nice and slowly. Okay?" Clint says. You can tell that they're best friends by the way he talks to her and stuff. "O...okay. A woman...a woman with a gun came. She said that she needed to do this. That she had to. She needed to do it for her mom, dad, sister, and everyone else who suffered from Stark and the avengers." Natasha finishes and my heart drops. "Claire." I say and I take a seat in disbelief. "Claire? But she died." Thor says. Everyone stares at me confused and the Clint asks, "Does that mean Steve's alive? I mean if Claire survived then so should Steve. Right?" The 4 mean exchange glances of hope but then I speak, "No. It doesn't.  This isn't present Claire. This is Claire from the past. She some who got here. She must of given her younger self a message...Bucky! What happened to Bucky?" I now ask Natasha. "He's...he's...been shot. Claire shot him. And...and..." "And what?" I ask impatiently. "He died." Natasha says. I know that this is for real and that there's no way in bringing him back now. Everyone is silent. Clint turns off the coms for one second so Natasha can't here. "Tony what should we do? Should we go back or?" Clint asks. Tony stairs outside and then at all of us. For the first time, he is the captain. "We have to go back." Tony says and we all comply with his order.

A/N: Hey guys! I updated like promised. :) I hope you liked the chapter. Please tell me what you think and leave comments and suggestions. I read and answer them all. Also thank you so much for voting for my stories and following me. My goal is 2k by the summer. I know we can do it. Thanks. Keep being awesome.

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