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Steve's P.O.V: It all happened so quickly. Before I knew it Bucky was dead...because of me. "Bucky?!?" I ask frantically as I look at my lifeless friend. Veronica is crying behind me and Peggy is comforting her. "Bucky, Bucky! Come on man! You gotta wake up!" I start shaking him and he doesn't move. Tears come strolling down my face as I continue to scream his name. "Bucky! Bucky!" Peggy comes over and hugs my back but I get up and my sadness turns into frustration.
"Where is she I ask?" Noticing that Veronica got away. "Did she teleport?" I ask the officer who answered me. "No I don't think so sir. She ran that way." He says, pointing to his right. "Thank you." I say as I run towards the direction she's in. "Wait Steve!" Peggy says. And I turn around. I look at her for a second and give her a big hug. "I love you Peggy." I say and she she says the same to me. We kiss and I look at her for one more minute, knowing that I'll never see her face again. I give her a smile and run, slipping a note into her pocket. As I turn the corner I see Claire and she's trying to teleport. I run towards her and grab her hand, allowing me to go back to the present with her. She will get payback for Bucky no matter what. I will avenge him. Veronica will bring him home later. Oh god Bucky. Why'd you have to do that? Trying to protect me? Ugh. It should of been me. It should of been me. I think to myself as we teleport.
   "How did this happen? How did you get through my force field?" Claire asks. "You've used so much energy so your powers are down. That means that you don't have a forcefield, and after that trip, you probably can't teleport anymore either." I say and Claire tries to shoot me but i grab the gun before she can reach it. We start fighting but she uses her powers to fling me into a car. It really hurt, but I get back up, knowing what I must do.
   She starts to teleport but before she can leave, I run towards her and grab her hand, leaving a big blast behind us. But before I go, I see Peggy one more time, knowing that it will be the last.

Bucky's P.O.V: I hear Steve telling Claire not to shoot me, but then she pulls the trigger and I fall to the ground. It all happened in slow motion. As I lie still on the ground, I am still aware of my surroundings but I can't move or speak. I see Steve chase Claire down the hall and Veronica kneel beside me. How am I still alive? Claire shot the head! I can't survive that. Can I? Maybe it's the serum. But it wouldn't work with that. As I keep thinking the possible scenarios of how I survived, I feel a pain in my right shoulder. Not big, small. Like after you get a shot...wait! I got it! She must have injected me with something that makes me paralyzed and then shot me with an empty gun. It was all a trick to stall Steve. I have to tell him! If only I could move.
I feel wetness on my face and realize that it's Veronica. She's holding me in her arms, crying, in denial. She keeps saying "no it can't be true! Bucky can't be dead!" Peggy tries to comfort her but it doesn't work. But I'm not dead! I'm not! If I could move or speak even I'd be able to tell her what happened and how to save Steve! Come on Bucky, move! Move! You can do this! Come on! You have to save Steve! Do it for Steve.

Veronica's P.O.V: "No it can't be true! Bucky can't be dead!" I say as I hold him in my arms. Peggy bends down with me and tells me that everything will be okay but I don't believe her. How could Claire do this? How could my sister kill Bucky? Kill the man I...Oh god! I never got to tell him how I really feel about him. I know that we haven't known each other for a while but I'm really starting to like Bucky...more than friends. Oh god Bucky.
   Suddenly I hear a heavy breath but it didn't come from Peggy or me. I look down at the man in front of me and I hear him breathing! "Bucky!" I say, "You're alive! You're alive!" And I give him a tight hug.
   "I can't speak for very long because I'm using a lot of strength right now so I can't repeat. Listen up, Claire didn't kill me, she injected me with some kind of needle that made my whole body paralyzed. When we go back to the future, you have to find Tony Stark and tell him everything I just said. Also tell him that Steve is with Claire in the future and that they can track his suit." Bucky finishes. "Okay. Okay." I say, trying to remember everything that he's said. "Also, I have to tell you something..." He says before he winces. I give a concerning look but he just smiled and tells me he's okay. "What it is it Bucky?" I ask hoping that he says what I think he's going to say. "I...I..." And then Bucky closes his eyes again. "Bucky!" I say. Oh no! Don't die! Hold on! Please don't die! I check, and he still has a pulse. Few. "Alright I have to go Peggy. Good luck." I say and pick up Bucky, having him rest on my shoulder. "Good luck to you too. And you have to promise me that you'll look out for Steve. He always worries about other people before him self so someone had to do it for him." Peggy says. "Okay. I promise." I say and give her a reassuring smile.
   I teleport back to the future and we end up in Stark Tower. A group of people huddle around us and a women pulls a gun out and points it at me. Bucky just woke up again and is surprised at our luck of landing here too. "Who the hell are you?" The woman asks. "What did you do to him?" "Natasha it's okay. She saved me." Bucky says. Oh so that's Natasha. Bucky told me about all of the avengers. "What happened?" Tony asks and Bucky tries to speak but he almost passed out again, so I explain it to them. Tony takes Bucky to his lab with Bruce and then I remember about Steve. "Steve!" I say. "What about Steve?" Hawkeye  asks alarmed. "What happened to the Captain?" Thor questions as they step forward. "He's in danger. It's my sister, Claire. I think she's going to kill him." I say and I know that something bad is house g to happen.
Bucky's P.O.V: I wake up in a hospital bed and see Veronica reading a magazine next to me. She looks up from her reading and notices that I'm awake and trying to sit up. Hey, hey. Take it easy. You've been asleep for some time now.", she says. What? What is she talking about? She notices the confusion on my face and explains. "It was Claire. She injected you with a thing that should of paralyzed you. But I guess your serum saved you. You'll be fully functional, but to have to take it easy first." She finishes. Well that's good. Wait, what about Steve? "What happened to Steve?" I ask and Veronica looks away. "Hey! What happened? Veronica? Please tell me." I say and fear for the worst. Oh god Steve. What happened this time? What did you do? Veronica is hesitant at first but she eventually tells me. "Steve...Steve's dead." She says and I pass out.

A/N: Hi guys! So sorry that I haven't posted in for ever! Mid-year exams were the worst. But now that that's done I will be able to post more. I know that I left on a cliff hanger but I will be posting soon so don't worry. Please don't stop reading because of this. The next chapter is a flashback and something will happen at the end of it that ties a lot of loose ends. Please tell me what you think. I read every comment and reply to all of them. Thank you so much for reading, voting, and liking my stories. I really appreciate it. Stay cool.

P.S. I'm not sure if the next part of the story should be a second book or still part of the same book. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks.

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