Chapter One: Dreams

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A cabin. A Boy. Happiness.

That's what my dreams contain most nights, just the face of a raven haired boy who I have no recollection of yet he seems so familiar. Once again I have woken up from another dream of the boy, they just feel so weird and real.

But they can't be.

Why can't I be like most teenage boys and have dreams of my beautiful soulmate, Louise instead of this boy who I haven't met before?

I wonder if there's a connection between the name on my wrist that isn't my girlfriend's and the boy in my dreams. Looking at the clock I see that it is 3:34 in the morning. I have never been one to sleep much anyway so this wasn't abnormal of me to be up at such an ungodly hour. Sitting up, I lay my head against the headboard and my mind wandered back to the dreams, to the forest, to the boy.

Closing my eyes, I pictured the dreams so vividly. This boy and I, whoever he was, looked so happy together however it always ended in the same way. Blood. Lots of blood. The dreams were more like nightmares and I wondered if they were real, they felt real.

I had too many questions; too many thoughts.

Louise who had been sleeping soundlessly next to me this whole time stirred and opened her eyes. When she had finally come round I smiled apologetically at her.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" She shook her head although it was obvious she was lying.

"No," She yawned. "What are you doing awake?"

"I had that dream again." I told her and she frowned.

"It's just a dream, you shouldn't think about it so much. Just go back to sleep." Louise sighed, turning over so her back was to me. Lately we hadn't been getting on so well. We had been arguing and I really didn't feel any love for her at all. Not like I should be doing anyway. She's my soulmate so why didn't she bring me the butterflies in my stomach and the happiness in my heart that she should bring me. Why did I feel as though something was missing? As though something was wrong?

I looked down at the name on my wrist. Phil.

After I had asked Louise about the name on my wrist she ran out of my hospital room. That was six months ago now, that's also when my dreams started up too. Whenever I try to ask Louise about Phil or my dreams she just shuts down, she refuses to answer me and tries to change the subject.

Usually, I would let it slide but it's becoming to grate on my nerves- the unanswered questions, the silent treatment. It was as though she knew something that I didn't and she didn't want me to know.

In the long run, it was probably a bad idea to keep bugging Louise about this random guy as it had already started to affect our relationship badly but in the short term, I didn't care and I just wanted to learn more about this boy.

Closing my eyes, I fell asleep and once again the face of the mysterious blue eyed; pale-faced boy filled my dreams.

And for a short while, I was happy.

Until I woke up again. 


So that's the first chapter, it's not that good and I am sorry. First chapters are never my strong point. 

I haven't fully planned this out yet and plus I am busy with college so updates may be slow but I will try to update when I can. 

Thanks again for all the support on Soulmates and I hope I get the same response on this story because it would mean a lot. You guys are honestly amazing and I love you all. 

Dan got to high five Jennifer Lawrence I am so jealous. 

Hope you are all well! 

- Talia x 

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