Chapter Five: Cuddling Under The Night Sky

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"What's with the long face?" Mum asked me. I sighed.

"I have a lot on my mind lately."

"Yeah?" She asked, putting down the spoon which she was previously stirring some stew in a pan. "Like what?"

"Everything. Why is the sky blue, why can't I have a pet llama, why is Donald Trump alive." I joked but the serious look on my mum's face is what made me realise that there was no time for joking around.

Mum sighed, something all mum's did when they didn't know what to do with you. Any moment now she was going to say my name in a disappointed tone.


"I know, I know. If you want to know what's wrong with me then tell me who Phil is. Tell me why when you saw my friend Phil you looked scared and you acted odd around him. There's something you're all hiding from me and I don't like it!" I've bottled this up for too long and I could feel it all bubbling up. I was ready to burst. "I'm not a child anymore, I don't need protecting."

"Dan please calm down-"

"No! Don't tell me to can down, I want answers. Everything is confusing me, nothing's making sense. Please mum, tell me what you're hiding from me. Please."

"Okay, I'll tell you but promise you won't get mad at me or Louise. We did this for your protection." I nodded but it was a little too late for me not to get mad.

At first I was confused. And then I felt sick. And then angry.

I wasn't angry at my mum or Louise. I was angry at myself mainly. How naïve of me to think that running away was going to work. It never does.

I guess that explains the nightmares. The screams, the forest, the boy - who I now have found out is Phil - being tortured, the blood. The mere thought was chilling.

"Why don't I remember any of this?" I asked tentatively, too afraid to hear the answer.

My mum cleared her throat, wiping away some tears. This was clearly too much for my mum but as selfish as it may seem I had to know the answers. "The government, when they uh, captured you they injected you with something that made you forget about it. When you woke up they said you were in a car accident."

"I'm going to my room." I announced, suddenly standing up. Tears threatening to spill.

"Dan, you don't hate me do you?" My mum asked and you could hear it in her voice that it pained her to ask this. You could see she was afraid of the answer.



It may have been the end of December but that didn't stop me from sitting at the top of the hill where I used to come when my thoughts where wild. I had texted Phil asking him to meet him but it was 3am and when he showed up I was surprised.

"Hey... I got your text, what's up?" Phil asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Do you ever feel like running away?" I asked Phil. Phil frowned.


"It didn't work out last time so it doesn't matter." I laughed.

Phil sat down next to me. "Dan, you're confusing me what's going on?"

"It doesn't matter." I spoke, lying down on the grass. "Just lie with me for a while."

"But the grass it's wet. And it's three am, it's cold, not to mention it's December." Phil complained.

I rolled my eyes. "Put your head on my chest and cuddle me, I'll keep you warm and dry. Just cuddle me for a while I need some love."

Phil thought it over for a while before he agreed and placed his head on my chest, wrapping his arm around my waist. He shuffled closer to me and he let out a content sigh.

"I don't know what's come over you but I like it."

"Me too."


Shit ending but I quite liked this chapter!

I hate having to beg but can you please comment and vote more and leave me some feedback because it makes me happy.

How was everyone's Christmas? What did Santa bring you?

I got an instax mini 8, some new clothes, some money and some gift cards.

I hope you're all well and I won't be updating until 2016 as I need to revise for my mock exams so I wish everyone a happy and merry new year! I hope it's a good one for you all☺️

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