~Chapter Five~

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~Patrick's POV~

I shot up from my bed, breathing heavy. Talk about deja vu.

"Pat?" I looked around the room until I saw Gerard at the end of my bed. He had a look of concern that lightened a bit when he saw me look around at him. "Are you okay?"

"I guess?.." I slowly sat up and rubbed my head.

"You had an incident." Gerard said, holding out my glasses, "Your abilities were taking over."

"Oh no...Not again..." I mumbled quietly. Last time I lost control I was found and brought here. It had been months since that. "Did they see?" I asked quietly, in reference to the scientists and doctors surrounding us.

"No. I convinced them you fell back asleep... And that I was a clutz with my plate." He nodded over to the wall. There was a streak of poorly cleaned dried syrup running down the wall.

I was moving things again. "Oh crap...Gerard I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, it's fine." Gerard waved away my concern, "we've been left to stay in our rooms all day anyway, you're fine."

I sighed. I felt less in control everyday, but I had figured it was just this place. The effect it was taking. It was becoming slowly unbearable.

"Oh sorry by the way." Gerard pipped up, "About the, ah..." He tapped his forehead with his index and middle finger.

"No! No it's fine...I wasn't very responsive, was I?" I asked, feeling irritation at myself for loosing control.

"Afraid not." Gerard confirmed, "You were completely lost up in your head."

I sighed. I hated myself for it. It's not like this was the first time...It made me afraid that it wouldn't be the last either.


~Pete's POV~

While we were trapped in the room, I decided to try and expand on my own powers. Frank encouraged as I held out my hand to manifest my energy.

I closed my hand, then opened it to reveal a small, shapeless ball of black surrounded by that distinctive red glow. The more I focused, the longer I could hold it before I got light headed.

"You're picking up on this fast." Frank grinned.

I looked up, breathing heavy. "Thanks...Dude..." I pushed my fingers through my hair before holding out my hand again. "Let's try something bigger..."

I had already began to focus on my hand when I heard the locks on the rooms door *click*. I threw my hand behind my back, breaking the focus I had on manifesting the energy just as the door swung open. It revealed a doctor as well as a very irritated looking Brendon.

"About fucking time..." He grumbled. He walked over to his bed and plopped down face first, regardless of Frank sitting there.

Before I could even say anything to or about Brendon, the doctor pointed at Frank and I.

"You two! We have a new room assignment for you."

"Are you fucking kidding?" Frank asked with anger evident in his tone, "What are you gunna do with us now? Hu?"

"We're moving you." The doctor said, "Wasn't my call, so don't shoot the messenger."

"What about Brendon?" I asked, looking over at my friend. He seemed to have passed out, because he was still and not arguing against the doctor's point.

"He'll stay here. His new roommate is a...Mr. Smith?" The doctor looked at his clipboard and nodded, "New arrival, coming in today."

"Why does he get-"

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