~Chapter Seventeen~

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~Pete's POV~

We were walking down the endless hall with the light of Frank's electricity. I was leaning against Frank, trying to keep consciousness from my wounds and overexerting myself earlier.

"Just a bit further..." Ryan would keep repeating with an unsure expression, "Just a bit further..."

"Are you sure about that?" Frank finally asked with a slightly irritated tone. His sparks were still lighting our way down the endless hall. Every few feet, he would send a bolt of electricity down and ahead of us.

"Yes?.." Ryan bit his lip. He hardly sounded sure of himself anymore. It wasn't the best sign...

I let out a slight cry of pain as my side began to throb worse. Brendon stopped, but continued to hold me up as my legs buckled slightly. I scrunched my eyes shut and tried to make my legs work once again.

"Take it easy!" Brendon exclaimed, lowering me slowly, "Just hold up, guys..."

I ended up laying on the ground, holding my side in pain. The others had stopped and stood by me.

"How long is this?" Frank exclaimed, sending a bolt up to collide with the ceiling.

"This is ridiculous..." Brendon stood up and walked a few feet in front of our group. He stopped holding one foot firmly in front of the other while balling his hand in a fist. "Cover your ears."

"What are you doing?" Frank asked.

"Just fucking listen or risk some hearing loss." Brendon snapped. We all covered our ears. Mine were covered slower due to my hesitation to move my hand from my throbbing side. Once he was sure our ears were all covered, he turned forward again. He took a deep breath of air and used his ability for the first time in months.

He let out an ear piercing screech that echoed down the hall. He turned his head to listen for the echoes, similar to echolocation. He held up his finger and continued to listen in the darkness.

"Long ways..." Brendon squinted his eyes. He shook his head and continued, "It doesn't make sense. It can't be that long. It can't..."

"We need...We need to find them." My face scrunched in pain. It hurt to talk. It hurt to move.

"We could really use some healing abilities right now..." Ryan said, concerned. He had leaned down next to me and put his hand to my temple.

"Get out, Ryan." I said through gritted teeth. I could feel him searching through my memories. My head shook slightly as I tried to throw his hand away.

"Alright, Pete, alright." Ryan took his hand away and held them up.

"What'd you do?" Frank asked, sending out another bolt of lightening. He was looking between Ryan and I.

"Trying to see if I could help his pain." Ryan said with a sigh. He stood and scratched his head, "It's a physical ailment, but sometimes if you take away some of the psychological hurt, the physical lessens."

"It's not going to help right now." I spoke through gritted teeth again. It hurt too much to be fixed so easily. I snapped my eyes shut again as another pain shot through me.

"It's honestly worth a shot, Pete." Brendon said after a minute, "You're really fucked up man..."

I shook my head again, keeping my eyes closed. I didn't want Ryan in my head. I trusted him, but I did not want him in my head at all. I didn't want to risk it. I had experienced here and with Brendon what affects tampering with memories had.

"Maybe two of us should go ahead." Brendon suggested after more silence.

"Take Ryan." Frank said, "I'll keep sending bolts down to keep it lit up and stay here with Pete."

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