~Chapter Six~

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My eyes snapped open. I looked around the now dark room with sleep still creeping on my vision. Pete was sleeping soundly on the bed across the room from me.

After he had given his speech of normality to me, I had mumbled about sleeping. He rather sadly agreed, and had retreated over to the bed he now claimed as his.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. That horrible, white ceiling. I covered my eyes with my hands. I was so sick of white. I was so sick of this place. I just wanted to be out of this place...Even if it meant being alone again... At least my world would be alone in color.

I moved my hands away from my eyes. I felt them droop slightly as I tilted my head to the side. One of Pete's arms was visible on the outer side of his bedsheets. I smiled sleepily, watching the color seem to pop off his arm and dance before me. With that image in my mind, I felt myself drift back to sleep.


"I'm sO tiReD!" Brendon yelled, flopping down across one of the white couches of the social room.

"Brendon, literally all you do is sleep." A boy with light stubble and dark hair rolled his eyes. He was the new arrival at this hell hole, Spencer. He had been made to be Brendon's new roommate, and they were already good friends.

"You bore me." Brendon teased, rolling his eyes.

I sat on the floor, leaning against one of the couches. Pete sat on the cushion above me. Frank laid across the floor, pouting a bit.

"Ever since we switched rooms, they've been taking G away more and more..." He muttered, letting electric bolts flash back and forth between his fingers.

"Like now?" Pete asked from above me.

Frank simply let a bolt shoot up at the ceiling.

"I still can't get over that." Spencer grinned over at Frank, "Lightning. How sweet is that?"

"It's absolutely shocking..." Frank smirked, letting his electricity dance wildly over his eyes.

"Little shit!" Bendon laughed.

"Shut up, siren boy." Frank rolled his eyes.

"Siren may not be the right word...It's just a glass shattering shriek." Brendon shrugged.

"Too bad this glass is resistant to it." Spencer looked at the tinted glass window by the door and sighed.

"Yes, what a shame..." Brendon sighed.

I sat quietly. Observing was more of my nature... Maybe the occasional witty comment. I was twisting my fingers when I felt someone messing with my hair.

Bits would lift slightly, then settle back down. Then up, and back down.

I looked up and saw Pete lifting up a bit of my hair to drop it again. He smiled at me when he saw my face.

"Hiya." He smiled.

"Hi." I giggled quietly.

He stopped playing with my hair and leaned down over my face. I could feel the light heat of his breath on my forehead as he leaned just above me. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I looked up at him. Butterflies were pounding rather than fluttering against my stomach.

"You have blue eyes." He suddenly commented.

"Come again?" I blinked a few times to try and focus on something other than the butterflies.

"You have pretty blue eyes." Pete said. He sat up, leaving me with both a feeling of relief and longing for him to come back.

I turned myself around and looked at him. His head was tilted at me curiously.

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