~Chapter Nineteen~

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~Brendon's POV~

I gasped up in confusion. What had happened!? Where was I?.. I looked around the room I was currently in. It had a light, thank god, and I found myself surrounded by the our missing group members and Ryan. I slid my finger to his throat to feel for a pulse. It was there.

"Thank you..." I sighed. I looked around more and saw one of the doctors that I'd had to deal with since our first day.


She was sitting against the wall, staring sadly into the distance. I scrambled to my feet and she turned.

"Oh...Gerard's fear came true..." She said dully.

"What fear?" I asked, getting into a weak fighting stance.

She rested her cheek in her hand, "Fear that his powers would falter in some way...He may not be here, but I can feel it..." She sighed.

I gave her a confused look. "Why are you...So dull?.." I asked hesitantly, looking around the room. There was no one else awake, but I did notice a red headed boy that I didn't know.

"What's the point?.." She asked, "Doctor Lite has loosened his influence on me to focus on that Stump kid..."

"Patrick?" I asked, turning back to her.

She nodded, "I've been left in the dust for him...I can almost feel like who I used to be...But I have no purpose now."

"I don't understand..." I lowered my arms, relaxing slightly.

"I've been with Lite for years." She snapped over at me, "I thought I was special!.. But I was abandoned for some new comer because he's 'interesting'." She did dull air quotes before sighing.

"So that's your thing?" I asked, "You're having abandonment issues?"

"You don't get it." She looked darkly at me.

"I think I get that you're having issues with your powers because you're being slowly forgotten."

"SHUT UP!" She stood and stared at me. I was surprised to see tears in her eyes.

"So much of my life was wasted here..." She said lowly, "The fog is slowly lifting and I'm finally seeing how much of my life has been taken..."

So the doctor was dropping his influence on her? I bit my lip. There had to be a way to convince her to join our idea to escape. If she was already feeling this...

"Take it back then." I said.

"What?" Her eyes softened from their anger.

"Take it back. Doctor Lite's biggest fear has to be failure. If you can find that, can't you make it reality?.." I encouraged, planting the idea in her head.

She looked hesitant now. As if she was considering my words. "He's been all I've known..."

"But he took you from what you had known." I egged on.

She bit her lip and looked down, her red hair falling into her face. She was quiet. I just hoped she was at least considering what I had said. I honestly had no idea how to save my friends.

~Pete's POV~

Patrick tilted his head at me. I didn't know what to do. My side was burning me, but I couldn't just stand here defenseless. I took my hand away from my side and balled it into a fist, wincing just slightly.

"Aw, Pete..." Patrick took a step towards me, "You look really hurt...I had hoped you would be dead by now..."

"What's the point?" I gritted my teeth together as I said it.

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