~Chapter Sixteen~

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~Pete's POV~

With Brendon's help, I negotiated down the hallway. We didn't really know what we were getting ourselves into now, just that we had to save the others. Tyler was hanging out behind Ryan, trying to avoid being near Frank who was once again flaring electricity over his eyes. David, Louis, and Søren were bringing up the rear with Spencer, who was leaving a trail of ice behind him.

"Left." Ryan directed, even though we all knew.

We followed the curve in the hallway and slowly moved forward.

"I'm worried." I spoke to Brendon quietly. I couldn't hold it in anymore, "He was back...He was Patrick..."

"How'd you unzombify him?" Brendon asked.

I shook my head, "I just talked to him...His eyes were blue again..."

Brendon nodded. "I don't know how, but if you did it once, you can do it again. Worst case senerio..."

I limped along next to him. Worst case senerio... I didn't even want to think of the worst possibly. I cringed at the memory of Patrick's cold, yellow eyes. Their pure emptiness...

"I have a bad feeling..." Spencer spoke up from the back.

"Aw shit..." Brendon muttered, tensing.

That couldn't be good. I glanced at Brendon. His eyes were shifting back and forth over the hall ahead.

"What is is?" I asked silently.

Brendon continued to look around in front of us. "When Spencer gets bad vibes, he's usually right..." Brendon replied in an equally hushed tone.

This really couldn't be good.

We were still walking along when there was a loud clanging sound behind us. We froze in place and listened as the lights flickered. The hall shook with every 'clang' and it seemed to be getting closer.

"RUN!" Someone in the back of the group yelled.

The group listened and began hurrying away from the noise. Brendon had to go slow as I hobbled along next to him. The others began pass us, except for Frank, who lifted my other arm around his shoulders to help us move faster.Ryan was ahead, motioning the direction in the split of the hall ahead.

"THE WALLS!" Ryan yelled.

Behind us, the walls were beginning to slam together in sections every few feet. It was like something from a spy movie with how every few feet the sections of wall slammed together.

Spencer, David, Søren, Tyler, and Louis had all ran into the section of hall Ryan was directing. Brendon and Frank were going as fast as they could while holding me between them. We were just feet away, when the wall at the hallway split came together, blocking us from the rest of the group.

"NO!" Ryan had turned and jumped to our side just before he would have been crushed. "NO! LOUIS! CAN YOU BLAST IT!?" Ryan pounded on the wall, trying to hear a response from the other side.

"RY!" Brendon yelled as we made it close to him. The walls behind us were still connecting at a consistent speed. They were only feet away. "We need to move!"

"They're still in there!" Ryan argued, now kicking the wall.

Brendon slid from under my arm, leaving me to lean on Frank, and rushed over to Ryan.

"I'M NOT LEAVING YOU TO DIE AGAIN!" Brendon yelled, tugging Ryan away from the wall and pulling him to the hall that Frank and I were making our way down. The walls were closing in just before the opening, the clanging ringing in my ears, before it shut the end of the hall and the room went dark.

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