~Chapter Ten~

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~Pete's POV~

I could hear movement. I could hear the sounds of metal clanging against metal. I was slowly drifting back into consciousness. Soon, I was able to find the strength to actually open my eyes.

I was strapped to the same standing table as I was the last time they took me. I was in the same room, but there was no body laying across the metal table pushed off to the side. I goaned and tried to pull against my restraints to no avail. My whole body was in pain...

"What a surprise!" I heard that feminine giggle that filled me with anger. She popped into my view just then, smiling her demented smile. "Finally awake? It's only been, what, almost two days? Tisk, tisk! Patrick was worried..."

Two days!? What!?

"What did you do to him!?" I yelled. I tugged against my restraints, "What are your abilities that you can hurt him!?"

She laughed. Her red hair was down and free now, resting just by her shoulders. She whipped a strand just behind her ear and leaned into my face.

"My gift is your fear. I can bring your fears to life! Amplify them in a way. Well...Your at the moment ones at least..." Her blue eyes trailed along my face and stopped at my lips.

"Your biggest fear was hurting... But also hurting Patrick somehow..." She took one of her fingers and traced its sharp nail along my cheek, "His biggest fear was himself and seeing you, that poor colorfully inked boy, hurt..." She leaned up into my ear and whispered her closing words, "So I could kill two birds with one stone by just hurting you..."

"But why?" I asked as she pushed away from my ear, "Why are you doing this to us?"

As the words left my mouth, the sound of doors opening echoed. Doctor Walker stiffened. I heard footsteps and had a terrible feeling of who they belonged to.

Just as I feared, Doctor Lite stepped into my view. His flawless white outfit remained as sterile as ever as he stopped just in front of me.

"Because it was under my order." He said simply. He turned over to Doctor light and almost cooed to her, "Here Leslie... My precious pet..."

"Pet?" I looked at him in disgust. Is that really all we were?

"Look at her Mr. Wentz." He told me, still facing doctor Walker, "Usually they're blue, aren't they?.."

I did what he said and looked at her. Her eyes weren't blue. They where white. Solid white. Completely white without a single speck of color.

She had her head tilted as she stood perfectly still, facing the doctor with her blank eyes.

"Leslie here was one of the first successful experiments..." The doctor beckoned her forward and she went to him like an unsure puppy. He put his arm around her and began stroking her hair.

"Experiments? Is this your ultimate fucking goal!?" I raised my voice.

"Not at first Mr. Wentz..." The doctor focused more on Leslie rather than me, "It was the full intention to make those of your genome normal to society...Sadly, that ended up taking a few tries...Your friend, Andy, was a trial patient before he escaped. When we reclaimed him, he sadly didn't survive the process... And he was so promising..."

My heart sank. Andy was dead. Somehow, I already knew, but it still stung. He had become a mentor, a guide, a friend...

"But back to my point...I began to notice strange patterns in some of the DNA of those I collected...Including my dear Leslie here and your friend; Mr. Way was it?"

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