~Chapter Fifteen~

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~Patrick's POV~

"H-He-Hello?" A voice was drifting into my ears.

I groaned, feeling a pain in my head. I heard the voice call out again, recognizing it as Gerard. I forced my eyelids apart and was greeted by a white ceiling. I turned my head and saw Gerard across the room from me, sat with his knees to his chest against the wall.

"Are you okay?.." Gerard asked cautiously when he saw my eyes open.

"Yea..." I slowly sat up and held my hand against my head. I looked around the room, but saw no one else. "Pete? Where's Pete?" I continued to look around even though I knew he wasn't here.

"Who?.." I stopped when Gerard said that. I turned to him with confusion.

"Pete..." I said, looking at him, "Gerard, are you okay?"

He seemed to shrink back when I mentioned his name. "How do you know my name?"

"Gerard, it's me, Patrick." I said, "Pat? Gerard, we're friends."

They must have damaged him somehow... They must of made him forget... But how much?..

"I-I don't know..." Gerard shook his head, sending his hair falling into his face and making him look like a child, "I just want to see my brother...Where's my brother?.."

"I don't know Gerard." I told him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know he had a brother... He never talked about his brother.

"He-he was setting things on fire again...bu-but not on purpose! He can't control it! I-I tried to he-help..." Gerard looked down, shaking.

I had a bad feeling. I felt like there might have been a reason that he never talked about his brother...

"Is he okay?" I asked quietly.

Gerard shook his head. He had a distant look in his eye that made it seem like he was in a completely different place in his head.

I got to my feet looked for a door out of the room. I felt panic when I couldn't find one, but I calmed down a bit when I saw one blended into the wall. I walked over to it and pressed my ear against the cold surface. I couldn't hear anything.

"Mikey can't control when his hands ignite..." Gerard said suddenly.

I turned away from the door and looked at Gerard. He still had that distant look as he spoke.

"He tries...Sometimes... Sometimes if I send him to sleep, he'll be okay." Gerard continued, "Sometimes the fire will go WHOOSH!" He made a gesture with his hands, "Gone..."

I continued to look at him. What had they done to him? I had never heard Gerard talk about any of this in all the time we've been locked in here.

"What happened the other times?.." I asked a bit hesitantly.

Gerard tilted his head a bit. "Sometimes I got burned..." His tone was extremely child like. It didn't feel like I was talking to the Gerard I had come to know these past few months...

"He never meant it...He's littler than me." Gerard continued, "He was still learning when..." He closed his eyes tightly.

I don't think Mikey's gift made it very far... I walked to Gerard and slid down the wall to sit next to him. I put my arm around him and gave him a slight squeeze.

"It'll be okay, Gerard." I reassured him, "You'll be good...We'll find out about Mikey soon, Yea?"

Gerard looked at the floor with a nod. He wouldn't speak again.

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