~Chapter Twelve~

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~Brendon's POV~

I woke up slowly. Something felt wrong. I couldn't sleep anymore, the tiredness I had felt earlier had vanished.

"Spence?" I mumbled, rubbing my eye. I turned over and looked over at Spencer's bed.

He was asleep. His knee was bent up in the air and one arm was lying across his chest. His slow breathing was visible by an small icy fog. I laughed lightly and stretched.

It was still quiet. Unnervingly quiet. I sat up and looked around.

"This isn't funny..." I muttered, not sure who I was talking to with Spencer asleep.

I was going to lay back down when I heard a slamming sound from outside the room. I shot back up and felt my heart start pounding in my chest.

"Spencer." I said quietly.

Another 'bang' from the hall.

"SPENCER!" I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him.

"Whathe fuck..." Spencer groaned, moving slowly.

Another 'bang' and he shot up.

"What was that?" He asked with wide eyes. We looked at each other as another loud 'bang' shot through the hall.

Spencer shivered violently. "Brendon..." He looked between the door and me.

Yet another 'bang' rang out.

"This isn't normal..." I said, looking at the door, "Something's wrong...Something's really wrong."

Just then, our door burst open. Spencer and I cringed back as a smoke filled the air. There was a fresh chill in the room that came with it, which I assumed was from Spencer.

"Hello?" A soft voice called out. The smoke was clearing slowly. A figure stepped through the doorway and stopped just before where the smoke was already clearing.

"Who are you?" I called out, sliding off my bed and standing my ground in front of him.

The smoke was clearing further and the figure stepped into view. A boy around my own age was standing in front of me. He had short and slightly wavy brown hair. His eyes were a perfectly matching brown as he looked straight into mine. He had an amazed look on his face as he stared at me.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He seemed so familiar... His face was buried somewhere in my memories, I could feel it. I knew this boy.

"Ryan?.." My voice spoke the words without any instructions from my lips.

I saw tears welding in the boys soft brown eyes. His delicate bottom lip was quivering.

"Brendon..." He continued to look me straight in the eye, "I know I made you forget...But I know I could never really make you forget..."

The memories hit me like a titlewave. Ryan. Ryan Ross. The boy I watched die in my arms. The boy who I spent countless nights with, just enjoying his touch. The day we met when I was in tears, begging to forget my ability... Begging for an escape route.

My Ryan Ross.

I stumbled a bit, but he ran over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I held him back, feeling tears forming in my own eyes.

"Ryan?.." I questioned. It felt weird to say his name after so long of it being completely gone from my memories.

"It's me, baby." Ryan said through tears, "Baby I'm so fucking sorry...My baby." He buried his face in my shoulder and I held him tighter.

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