~Character Answers/Abilities List~

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Heyo your favorite skittle is back! So here's how this'll go, I'm going to post the characters name with their ability(s) next to it, then underneath will be questions if they got any so Yea, let's try this.

PS thanks @/falloutboythnks for the idea of listing the abilities cuz tbh I got confused w/it a few times writing too haha (tried to tag you but wattpad weirded out)

Alrighty, here we go

Patrick~Night Vision/Telepathy:
Q~ How are you my child?

A~ I'm okay? I mean...We're out and we don't have to hurt anymore

Q~ How do you feel about getting out?

A~ Amazing. I can finally see the color in the world again. I finally don't have to be afraid for my friends or Pete being hurt anymore. None of us have to worry

No Questions :(

No Questions :(

Gerard~Ability to knock people out with a touch & slight psychic abilities:
No Questions :(

Q~ So you're okay my little cinnamon apple?

A~ **shrugs**

Doctor Walker (Leslie)~Manipulate your current fears:
Q~ I have mixed feelings about you

A~ I have mixed feelings about me too

Doctor Lite~N/A:
Q~ What on God's green earth is wrong with you?

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