Chapter 4 - The Show

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As an impossible and ridiculous task as it might seemed, I finished the final deck in time for the opening show. I ran a final check through the runway platform and guest tribunes, making sure that everything is in place and ready to go. I was tempted to pay a visit to the backstage area, looking for the enigmatic blond who is starting to grow on me. Being the main setting designer for the show, I have an all access pass to all of the venues. But I reigned my silly urge and decided to be a professional and put my responsibilities first. Crossing my fingers, I hoped Cara hasn't forgotten her promise to meet up later at the after party. After dealing with the last minute crisis of misplaced white curtain drapes, I finally settle in my seat for the show. With the opening music number as the cue, the lights in the room go off, leaving only several spotlights directly above the runway off. As I imagined when I designed it, the runway platform is glimmering in the dark. It look like a path of starry night, twinkling mysteriously, reflecting the lights above it. I lean into my seat comfortably, feeling pleased that at least all of my hard works aren't completely useless after all. The venue looks good. And now, it's time to enjoy the show.

After the usual introductory speech, the fashion show is officially starting. I haven't paid much attention to the line ups or whatever stuffs related to the actual show. I only know the names of well-known model walking on the show. So, I am completely stunned at the sight of Cara, looking dangerously sexy, strutting along the runway. Her confident strides match the fierce stare on her eyes. She looks straight ahead and hypnotizes all of the wide eyed guests with a small sexy smile on her lips. God, she is a perfection. I didn't realize that I have been holding my breath since she entered the stage and exhale a long one when her eyes catch mine. I am aware that my mouth is probably wide open, but I can't help it. She is just to beautiful to be true. A brief amused expression crinkles her eyes. It was barely noticeable before she pulls back her previous fierce look. I want to pinch my arm to check whether it is a dream or not, that Cara was actually looking at me when she walked. But I decide against it, it is too pathetic and adolescent. I am a goddamn successful architect and I will not act like a teenage girl, drooling over this beautiful girl.

The other models after Cara look less impressive after this enchanting entrance of hers. I enjoy the beautiful view alright, but it's not the same. There's something about her which sucks all of the air in my lungs and leaves me breathless. I am waiting anxiously for Cara to enter the stage again, shifting restlessly in my seat. I don't know whether she will walk again or not, thanks to my ignorance against the show details. The worst case is she will show up again when the designer enters the stage with all of the models at the end of the show. Deciding that it's not satisfying enough, I cross my fingers that she will model for more than an outfit tonight. All of the star constellations I made probably heard my prayer and Cara enters the stage again, closing the show. The Burberry must love her so much that she opened and closed the show. Her current outfit is less seductive and more posh than the previous. She holds her head high and walks slower, leaving the waves of silk fabric behind her trails. I swallow hard at the sight of her. She commands every attentions of the people in this room within her steps. Everything seems less important when she is here. My heart races faster than ever when she steals a glance over me again. Okay, the first time might be a fortunate coincidence, but now I'm sure that she is purposely searching for me. Following her with my eyes, I realize that I am in a big trouble. I might be falling hard for her and I am almost certain that my feelings might not be returned. Damn.

I jump on my feet when the designer and models enter the stage again. All of the audience are giving standing ovations. I release a relieved sigh, happy that the stressful project is finally over now. Even though it means that I might not be able to see Cara again. Damn, I didn't think of that before! Of course I didn't. My relationship with Cara was nonexistent before yesterday. And now it started just so it would ends abruptly. I might be delusional and stubborn, because I refuse to let her go this easily. I frantically run out of the building and searching for the nearest florist. Thankfully, it's just a couple of buildings away from the show venue. I buy the biggest rose bouquet I could find and run back to the venue again, just in time for the after party. I walk into the room where the after party is held and exhale. Okay, here goes nothing.

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