Chapter 49 - Sinking Ship

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Recommended song to help you get through the chapter: Zayn - Fool for you. Sit back and enjoy the chapter! :)


One day before the wedding and my fiancee went missing. Sophie hasn't answered any of my calls and texts messages. It's so unlike her. Even her friends didn't know a thing on her whereabouts. Adding that stress into the pile of mess that I've been since I met Cara, I don't think that there's going to be a wedding tomorrow. I've taken all of these things as bad omens. Another warnings from the Universe, aside of my conflicted feelings about it, that I'm about to make a big mistake. The mistake that I've been willing to play along because of my misdirected ego and sense of honor. I'm not going to leave Sophie, no matter what Cara said or did. I can't. I'll keep my promise to her.

If she didn't show up tomorrow, what am I going to do? Guilt is eating me up now. I haven't been exactly the perfect fiancee in the last few days to Sophie. I've been distant and evasive about my feelings. I should have just told her right then. With my secrets, I have put the first misplaced foundation in our relationship. And now she might have read the signs right and went away.

I went looking for her all over London, popping in to her favorite places to hide away from life for a while. Her friends swore that they aren't hiding her away from me. Her families are as concerned as I am now, helping me to call her from time to time. Finally, two hours before midnight, I gave up and went back home. The apartment is still dark when I got in, hauntingly empty without her. Her silence is killing me. It feels worse when I know that it's all my fault. I go right to the small bar at the kitchen and pull out an opened whiskey bottle from the rack. I didn't even bother to turn on the lights. The darkness seems fitting for my situation right now. I totally deserve it. Pouring myself a generous amount of drink, I make my way to the rooftop while taking along the bottle with me. There's no way I'll get through the night with only a glass.

A lone figure sitting by the ledge of the rooftop is the first thing that I saw when I got there. She got herself her own choice of bottle and judging by its half empty state, she has been here for a while. So this is where she hid all the time. I let out a relieved sigh and go straight to her. She only turns her head slightly to acknowledge me and return her gaze back to the night sky. Even the sky is gloomy tonight.

"Babe, I've been searching all over the city for you." I put the bottle and my glass on the ledge, then wrap my arms around her from behind. I need to feel her close. "What's wrong, babe?"

"I needed to be alone, Jess."

Her voice is flat. The usual obvious affection has been taken away from it. Something is very wrong here. Her cold stare makes my heart sinks. I sense that she still needs her time, so I keep silent. The only thing that I can do right now is tightening my embrace around her, letting her know that I am here for whatever problems that she had in mind.

"I went to search for Cara, right after I talked to you yesterday." She let out a pained chuckle. "You were right. She really knew how to fuck with my mind. She said somethings that made me considered a lot of things about us."

She steps away from my embrace, which I reluctantly allowed. She turns to face me, her eyes are searching into mine. For what, I don't know. Maybe she's looking for signs too, to know how to tell apart the rights from the wrongs. That moment, we share the most meaningful connection between us since we planned the wedding. Which is also saying something about us.

"She told me that she asked you something that night. Care to tell me about it?"

Her unfaltering gaze holds me in place, not giving me much room to escape. She deserves to know, yet I am still unwilling to be honest about it. I can tell that we are crumbling down and I don't want to let out the last blow. This is the kind of situation where I seem to have some options, when in reality I actually don't. No more lies.

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