~Janitor ~

478 26 35

Authors Note: I f*cking wrote 99 stories but hadn't published them yet because I didn't have interwebs, and next I looked, they were GONE.




So, I have to start ALL over again.

You're lucky I love you guys.


"Frickin' assholes! Don't dey know ta throw their chewed up gum at da teacher, and not put it under da desks?!"

Joey Wheeler, coolest boy in school, was spending his Friday afternoon (Usually spent with his friends) scraping gum off from fifty-seven year old school desks.

He growled audibly as he pryed an ancient piece of brown gum?

Ew! Gross, man! Who knows how long that's been there?

Another snarl was heard from across the front of the room.

"Shut up, mutt! It's bad enough as it is! I don't need a grumpy puppy nipping at my feet!"

Joey threw an eraser, that was laying forgotten beside him, and hit the CEO of Kaiba Corporation in the back of the head.

"Ahhh! Stupid make inu!"

(Kura: He either has balls of steel or a death wish.)

"You shut up! Its bad enough dat I hafta spend detention with da biggest jerk in school, but now,
I'm also gonna miss mah date!"

The sound of scrubbing stopped on the other side of the room.


"Yeah, ya son of a bitch! My date! They're gonna be soooo angry!"


"This is da fifth time I've gotta detention and da second time I've missed!"


The teacher Mrs. Maggio, shyly and quiet as mouse, skittered in.

She spoke in a cute, high voice.

"B-Boys? You can g-g-go now..."


Joey jumped up and ran out of the classroom, meanwhile, Seto Kaiba stayed where he was, like a statue.

After an hour of waiting for Seto Kaiba to leave, she gave up and decided to go home.

She figured that a mature businessman like him could leave when he wanted.

As she locked up the school, shut all the doors, and the last light was flickering off, in the darkness, no one could hear the lone voice saying...




Poor Seto.

I will most likely make a sequel for almost all the beginnings, it helps me write better that way.

Kura-Kat out~!

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