~Under Your Facade~

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Authors Note: BTW, some of the themes aren't exactly called this but I made them better.

For instance, this one was called hidden traits.

I love you guys too much to call it something as boring as that.

*sarcastic Kaiba scoff*

You're welcome!


For funsies~!


Seto and Joey had been dating for years.

Yet they would still surprise each other with little things.

Joey would jump on the couch sometimes, lost in any kind of song with a beat. His blond hair would thrash wildly and he would brightly smile, playing invisible guitars, drums, and trumpets.

Seto claims he heard Nicki Minaj one time, but Joey fiercely denies it.

Seto snaps his fingers and spouts a sassy comment all the time, but not in front of people. It's usually in response to the reality TV shows and soap operas he's obsessed with.

He once did it in front of Joey, and the blond hasn't let it go since.

Joey's puppy eyes gets him any and everything, but he rarely uses it because he doesn't want Seto to think he is taking advantage of him.

The first time he used them, Seto had a small malfunction of the brain, (more like shutdown), and his eyes glazed over.

When Joey shook him, worried that he broke the CEO, Seto handed him his wallet, closed his eyes tightly, and whispered, "Just buy the damn pillow pet... Just..."

He then put his head on his desk, not being able to comprehend the amount of cuteness he had seen.

Seto has the strangest urges to be romantic at the weirdest times.

On June 23rd, he bought a stuffed, special made Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and gently handed it to him. Joey had been thrilled.

Joey has a cuddling problem.

He can't sit beside Seto and not cuddle the crap out of him.

Not that Seto minds. Granted, he had to get used to it at first, but after a while, he had found that he liked the ditsy, happy, loving Joey near him at all times.

He was always worrying about Joey when he wasn't in sight.

Joey acted very sweet to Seto, loving wife-like.

Always setting a blanket on a work-exhausted, dozing Kaiba on the couch, making coffee in the morning, cutely demanding kisses, and jumping into Seto's arms at the end of the day.

Joey can't cook.

At all. He burns water. Literally. Once, Joey was spinning pizza dough, and it hit the ceiling. He had thought it would come down in its own time.

It's still there to this day.

It's practically a ninja, really, unknown to the couple.

Seto loves puppies.

He always loses his shit when he goes into a pet store.

They have twenty-one puppies and a full-grown black Labrador retriever who Joey named "Zathanial Probencrust the fourth."

Kaiba doesn't know what happened to the other three "Zathanial Probencrusts".

He's afraid to find out.

The dog is called Z for short, but the lab always knows its in trouble when its full name is called.

Joey likes to fish, so Seto made a pond in the backyard for him.

He has no idea why Joey keeps coming inside, carrying several thirty pound bass.

He never put bass in the pond.

It's the weirdest thing, but squirrels are drawn to Kaiba for some reason.

And Joey might or might not collect ceramic ostriches.

They will never fully understand each other, that much they know.

Their random quirks will always leave them baffled.

But damn, do they love each other for them.


Headcanon bonus!

Kaiba's full name: Seto Matthias Nakamura

Cool, amirite?!

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