~Suspense, Danger, and Tragedy~

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Authors Note: Caution!

Don't read if you cry easily!

Not for the feint of heart!

Hooray for long fic!

(Man, what is up with me making all these sad fics, am I going through ninja PMS, what is happening even-)


It was March 19, 1911.

Joseph Wheeler sweetly hummed the Star-Spangled Banner while he walked leisurely, tan hands in his pockets and an enormous grin on his face.

His good mood was spreading to his friend Tristan, who walked beside him, playfully scoffing.

"Dude, even though you're dating that complete asshole Kaiba, its so great to have you back in the good old U.S.A!"

Joey took his right hand out, rubbing the back of his head, guiltily.

"Yeah, but I kinda feel bad for bein' so happy to be home. Kaiba really didn't want me to go! I mean it's gonna be a whole month! I miss him already!"

Tristan shoved Joey a bit.

"C'mon, man! Don't feel guilty because you feel happy! When was the last time you came home? How many times have you wished to come back?!"

The blond laughed.

"You have no idea! Especially when we got caught up in all those Japanese gangs! It was crazy!"

Tristan was about to remark, but pointed ahead.

"Oh, look at that, man! We're already here!"

The building Tristan gestured to was a large, eight story building, where in bold letters a sign said,

"The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory"

Joey tipped his beige hat, pouting.

"Already? I was havin' fun talkin'."

Joey's childhood friend elbowed him.

"Button up your vest man!"

As Joey's hands worked the bronze colored buttons of his corduroy overvest, he tried to brush some of the dirt off his chocolate colored boots.

Tristan started his daily rant as soon as they got in line to file into the door.

"I can't believe these were the only jobs we could get! I mean, sewing is for girls! I'd be better suited with a construction job!"

Easily ignoring Tristan as always, Joey pulled his work card out of his slot and punched in.

The work day had officially began.

Catching snippets of "Unbelievable!" and "1911 is a hard time to live in, dammit!", Joey rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Joey!"

The blond turned just in time to be tackled by a practically flying redhead.

Serenity, his little sister.

Joey buried his face in the silky, straight hair of the girl.

"Sup, Ren! How's living' with Ma?"

She stopped her hug and stood beside him, Tristan still ranting and not paying attention enough to notice Serenity's appearance.

She twirled in a circle, a brand spankin' new bright yellow dress with a cherry red ribbon tied at the waist.

"Mom bought this for me! Isn't it beautiful?"

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