~I Found You!~

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Author's Note: This is the literal best idea.

Oh and the YGOTAS chapter will be held back.

Sorry, but I just HAD to get this out.


Kaiba got separated from Joey.


In Wal-Mart.


'Damn it, Joey! Where are you!'

He was scanning every possible aisle with a murderous glare, making more than a dozen grown men piss their pants.

He even scanned the Duel Monsters Card Aisle THIRTY TIMES.

Seto Freaking Kaiba was not happy.

He was just about to head to the paint and tool area again when the intercom came on.

Excuse me, shoppers! There is a lost child in the store! He has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and is very tall! He goes by the name of Seto! His guardian is at the service desk! I repeat-


The only thing keeping him going.


And dodging weird looks and whispers:

"That's a grown man!"

"Mommy, is that him?"

"Yo! Ya dad is looking for ya, kid!"

The CEO had the urge to leave Joey in the store.

When he got to the service desk, his absolutely seething expression went unnoticed by his boyfriend.

Joey ran up to him.

"Kaiba! There ya are!"

"You better be lucky that we're in Australia now."

"Hey! I found ya didn't I?"

"You're dead to me, Joey."

"We're still best buds, right?"

"I'll kill you and make it look like an accident."

"The best!"

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