Chapter 3

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A/N- School starts for me in like 2 weeks and I'm not happy about that. Anyways hopefully this is a longer chapter. Please remember to vote and comment, thanks :)

Ricky POV

I guess sitting in my room starring at pictures of me and Amy won't help anything. Currently that's all I have done. I want to prove I love her so bad I just don't know how.
I broke up with Stacy that's a start. Well I hope. There's a knock at the door so I set the pictures to the side and get up. My house is small, with only 2 bedrooms. So it doesn't take to much work to get to the door.
Family pictures, well what used to be a family, are hanging up all the way down the stairs.
When I get downstairs I open the door. Surprisingly Ashley is standing there, the last person I want to see right now.
The only person I do want to see is Amy.
Her eyes light up as soon as she sees me. "Hi!" She says all cheerfully.
"What?" I ask coldly. Here smile fades as soon as those words come out of my mouth. "I need to talk to you" she says pulling on here sweatshirt.
I gesture my hand for her to come in because I probably won't be able to get her to leave anyways.
"What?" I ask as soon as we are sitting down on the black couch in my living room.
"Have sex with me!" She demands leaning in close.
"Why this again?" I ask backing away from her. "I'm not having sex with you!" She stands up, good maybe she will actually leave. Instead she unzips her sweatshirt, her black bra is the only thing under neath. "Please leave" I say trying to stay calm.
"Please have sex with me" she says pulling down her pants witch leaves her in just underwear.
"Are you okay?" I ask her because this doesn't seem like something she would normally do.
"I would be better if you did it with me!" She shouts. "Get out!" I yell back, this is weirding me out and I love Amy.
She steps back confused, but then quickly crosses her arms around her chest. "I'm not leaving" she says sounding like a four year old.

"I'm going to the bathroom", I partially tell the truth. She smirks as I walk away, once I get in the bathroom I quickly take out my phone and dial Amy's number.
"Hello?" She asks as soon as she answers. "Um Ashley's doing the same thing she did before, saying she won't leave until I have sex with her and I don't want to, I love you!" I say. I smile to myself as I say that.
"Aww that's so sweet, I will be right over." She says, "thank you!" I say before hanging up.

I wait in the bathroom for a couple minutes thinking about how much it will take to get Amy back. I'm going to ask her on a date but I want to make the perfect plans.
"Ricky?" I hear a familiar voice call, "in here!" I respond. I get up from the toilet seat and look at my hair. I think I need to cut it again it's starting to get long. As I start opening the door I feel a little push from the other side.
"Oh sorry" Amy apologizes once the door is finally open. "Don't apologize for doing nothing." I tell her smiling, she looks down blushing.

I start to lean in to kiss her because I just miss those sweet lips. Once we almost touch Ashley comes up behind Amy. "What are you doing here?" She asks rudely. I sigh loudly "well first he's my kids father, and second were working on getting back together." The second part makes me smile. I'm really glad she feels that way.
"Either you leave or me and Amy will just go back to her place." I inform her smirking. Her face turns red and it honestly looks like she's about to cry.
I don't feel bad because of what she did, once Ashley is gone I turn back to Amy "so back to what we were doing before." I say smirking.

She smiles and I lean in, this time we actually kiss and it's amazing. So many sparks, I'm definitely in love with her.

* This part will be graphic or whatever you would say😂

Things get heated so I gently push her against the wall. I insert my tongue and roam around her mouth. During the kiss I run my hands up her shirt. I can hear her moan into the kiss as I get farther up. I want things to go faster so I pull my hands out and tug at her shirt. She pulls it up only breaking the kiss for a second. I the pull down her jeans. "We should take this to the bedroom." She whispers into my ear. She trails kisses down my neck as I lift her up by her butt.

As soon as we get to the bedroom I set her down on the bed. She smiles as I get off the bed and pull off my shirt the jeans.


As soon as he's fully undressed I take off my bra and underwear. He looks at me up and down the gets up on top of me. He enters in my entrance fast not waiting any time. It hurts for just a little bit but then turns to pleasure.
He thrusts in and out. After a few more I can feel myself coming.

After he lays down next to me with and arm around my shoulder. I lay my hand on his chest.

*its over* (Also in Amy's POV)

Hopefully he can prove to me that this wasn't a mistake.
I just lay there next to Ricky, hoping that this won't end up the last time.

I look over at the person I love the most, I'm lucky to have him by my side. I hope he feels the same because I sure do. Maybe we were just meant to be.

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