Chapter 7

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A/n so I'm going to apologize before hand that it might not be very detailed cause I am horrible when it comes to band stuff.

At band camp-

"What are you doing here?" I ask Ricky, he turns around and smiles at me. "The same thing your doing." I giggle and give him a hug. He hugs back tightly and it just feels so good to be with him.

1 hour later

"Now play this" I say to the group of band kids I'm teaching. They start to play as I conduct and it sounds amazing. I start to miss playing my instrument. But so much has happened there just wasn't much time.
"That sounded amazing" I tell them as there done. Of course I don't get a response they just start packing there instruments and leaving.

"Good job today" a familiar voice says behind me. Ricky grabs my waist and pulls me close. "So are we still on for that date?" He asks as I turn around towards him. I kiss him quick, "of course." "Great" he leans in and kisses my forehead.

Things are starting to get a little bit better. I'm starting to move on, of course I will always love and miss Amber I mean she was apart of my life but I also want to be happy.

"Let's go get some lunch" he says. I grab his hand and we walk down to the lunch hall. "So has Adrian called you lately?" He asks as we walk by a group of girls smiling at him. He ignores them and stares straight ahead at the road in front of us.

"Yea" I admit. I hope he doesn't ask what she said because I don't really feel like explaining. He will probably say that I should stop being selfish and go visit her. Surprisingly all he says is "ok." I don't say or ask anything we just walk in silence with are fingers interlocked.

"The one thing I do not miss is the pizza" Ricky says as he sets down his tray at a table. "Same here" I say as I pick up the slice of pizza on my tray. The cheese starts falling off so I quickly set it down. I look over at Ricky with a smile creeping up on my face. Are eyes make contact and we both start laughing. I remember this almost exact same thing happening when he visited me in New York.

As I sit here laughing with Ricky I notice the little things about him that I fell in love with. His smile, the way his mouth moves when he laughs. I don't want to loose him. I can't loose him he's my world. John was a blessing if I didn't have John I wouldn't be here right now with Ricky.

- later that night -

I take out my phone and put my music playlist on shuffle. The song locked away comes on and I start singing along as I start taking my makeup off. As the chorus  starts playing I dance along to the music and use my brush as a microphone. "Nice" Ricky says grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him. I jump and pull away "what are you doing here?" I yell as I look down at myself. I'm wearing my pink shorts and a pink top and my hair is in a messy bun "I look horrible!"
"I'm here to take you on a date" he in forms me with that smile that causes me to smile. "And you look beautiful, but change into a swimsuit please."

"Ok?" I question. He walks over to my suitcase and starts going through my things. "Woah what are you doing?" I ask going up behind him. "Finding you a swimsuit." I rest my head on his back as he digs through my stuff. He stops moving his hand around and pulls up a pad. "What is this?" He asks I can't help but start laughing. He looks at me confused. "It's a pad you idiot!" I say in between breaths. "Eww" he throws the pad down and walks over towards the door. "Meet me by the lake in 10 minutes ok bye."

I wonder what he has planned for tonight..

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