Chapter 10

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Chapter 10~
15 likes= New chapter tomorrow

I'm sorry I haven't updated when I said I would but I'm going through something right now. If anyone's willing to give me love advice message me please I need it!!!😭❤️

As I step off of the plane I stretch out my arms because they are painfully sore from the long flight. Once I am done stretching I grab my bags and head over to the nearby Starbucks. I haven't ate all day and it's already 12:00, sadly this is a record for me, I'm always eating.

There isn't a line thank goodness so I order a breakfast sandwich and a frappé. Just because it's lunch time doesn't mean I'm gonna skip my breakfast food. Adrian was supposed to be here right away to pick me up but that hasn't happened yet so I just sit and eat my breakfast peacefully. Well not really peacefully because there is a child screaming right next to me. He reminds me of John. Oh my John I really miss him. I haven't seen him since I left for camp. I can't think about that now though this is time to myself and away from reality.

15 minutes pass by and she still hasn't gotten here yet. I have texted and called millions of times and she hasn't answered any of them. I get up and throw away my garbage. I then sit back down debating on what to do now. I check my phone for the thousandth time and there are still no replies.

I can't do anything else so I just lay back in my chair and fall asleep.

"Amy?" Someone says shaking me awake. "What??" I respond as I look around ugh I'm still in the airport. I look at the person who woke me up and it was Max. I get up and give him a really big hug. "What are you doing here!?" I ask. "Dropping a friend off, "what are you doing here?" I give him a smile and pull away from the hug. "Adrian wanted me to visit her." He gives me a confused look, he must have forgot who she was. "Adrian, the girls wedding that we went to together."  He gives me a look of realization. "Ohhh I remember her."

"Do you need a ride anywhere? I was just about to leave." He asks. Oh thank goodness I had no idea what I would have done if Adrian never showed up. I hope she is okay this doesn't seem like something she would do. "Actually yes could you bring me to Adrian's apartment?" He smiles and grabs my hand. "Of course, I would love to."

We walk out to his car and talk the whole time catching up on each other's lives. "So how is Carter doing?" I ask as I buckle my seatbelt. "He's doing great, he thinks he's in love with Ella." I smirk at Max as his grip gets tighter on the steering wheel. "They are young and in love, you should be happy for him."

"He glances over at me and smiles a very small smile. "Trust me I am trying but I don't know if he is mature enough for a relationship. Lately  all he has been doing is lying to me and my grandma. He even snuck her over when nobody was home. I just don't want him to hurt her." His eyes get watery and he says one last thing that really gets to me. "I miss the brother that cared and was honest. Who loved hockey and that was his one priority. You know he's missed games for her. Not just him games mine."

"Don't worry Max he will come around" I say with pity in my voice. "This is all new to him and right now he doesn't know what he wants he is just learning. He will come around and he has many more years for hockey."

Max gives me a smile and I smile back. "I am so sorry for complaining when I finally get to see you but you are just so easy to talk to." He says making me blush.

We arrive at Adrian's  apartment so I start to unbuckle. "I will wait out here just in case." Max says laying back into his seat. "Okay thanks" I run up to her apartment door and knock over and over again. Nobody answers. I start to get really worried and my hands start shaking I hope she is alright. The door is unlocked so I walk inside.

There is moaning coming from the other room. I loosen up a
little bit, seriously she had to ditch me for sex with Omar. The door is shut so I knock a couple times "Adrian it's me you were supposed to pick me up!" She finally opens the door with a robe on. "Whaaat areee u doin here?" She stutters. "Adrian are you drunk!" Her breathe reeks. She is not supposed to drink well she's pregnant what was she thinking. Someone comes up behind her in only underwear and to my surprise it's Ricky. "Oh my god!" I yell. He cheated on me my stomach turns and I feel like I'm going to throw up. The only thing I can think to do is run outside. I get out there as fast as I can and continue to cry.

I quickly run behind a trash can and wrap my arms around my stomach the pain is so high and I start to throw up. "Amy what's wrong?" Max asks coming up behind me. "Can we go to your place?" I ask ignoring his question.

"Of course!"

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