Chapter 9

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever. Life has been stressful lately and I just didn't feel like writing. I'm back now though. I plan on updating every Saturday or Friday each week. If I get over 15 likes I will post and extra chapter the upcoming day of the first chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 9
Amy pov

"Look I don't see why you can't just explain to me what happened!" My mother yells at me. I set down the dish I am currently drying and look at her. She frowns at me and looks away, ever since I came home from camp early she has been trying to figure out what happened.

"Look I made a mistake and got sent home early. Everything is ok now you don't need to watch John anymore." I explain to her. She gives me that same frown she gave me earlier but this time she doesn't turn away she just continues to look at me like she is solving something.

I feel bad for lying to her but I don't want her to be disappointed in me. And to be honest I barely know what even happened myself. After that night when I went to my cabin crying I have tried to avoid Ricky. I just packed my things and left like the director said.

"You need to figure out what you want in life don't continue doing things like this" she explains to me. She does have a point I have a family but I need to figure out what I want in life.

She turns around and walks away so I continue washing dishes. Today is going to be an interesting day I have to unpack all of my stuff from camp and go shopping to go to New York again tomorrow.

I decided since I got home from camp earlier and John is still at my moms I would visit Adrian. She has been asking and asking me to go down there. At first I didn't really want to but I also want to visit some older friends. I need to take a break from being home. Something to take my mind off of everything.

I finishing drying the last dish and take my suitcase up to my room. I look around and it looks so plain and boring. When my baby girl died I ripped all of my pictures off the wall and I never got around to put them back up. As soon as I'm done looking around I put my suitcase on my bed and go through each item and put dirty clothes in a pile.

As I reach the end my hands roam across a picture. I lift it up and it's of me and John outside of my parents house throwing leaves up into the air. That was such a fun day we all felt like family and everything seemed to be going perfect. I guess things change.

I finish going through my suitcase and put the dirty clothes in a hamper and carry them downstairs. The laundry room is so empty with nobody in the house. I start just throwing clothes in there.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump up screaming. "OH MY GOD" I turn around and Ricky stands there just casually. "What the hell Ricky you scared me." "Yea I think all the neighbors could hear that." He says smirking. I whack him in the side of his arms and we both start laughing.

As soon as we both calm down I look at him and smile. "So what are you doing here?" I ask. "I just wanted to apologize for everything I am so sorry I did not know you felt that way." He looks like he really means it. "It's okay. I think we just need some time. A break from each other and hope things work out." We both lean in for a hug and it seems to stay that way for awhile. But hey I'm not complaining.

I start my car and turn on the radio. Target time it is. I just have a few things to get before my flight tomorrow, it's already 8:30 and I want to get to bed by 9:30 so I can stay awake. I hate sleeping on planes.

Once I get there I take out my purse and walk inside. "Hey Amy!" Someone calls as I'm looking at fruit. I look over towards the direction that said it and it was Ashley. She gives me a smile and I smile back. "Hey how are things going?" I ask. "Really good. You?" She asks. "Not very well we need to chat sometime." She smiles and nods her head. "Well I gtg but it was nice seeing you." She says. "You too."

I head home and lay down in bed tomorrow is going to be a crazy day that's for sure.

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