Chapter 12

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Amy's pov

A sharp pain runs through my left arm as I rub my eyes. "Ouch" I yell out in pain. My whole body feels numb. I turn my body slightly to look at my surroundings. I'm in a hospital and the smell is horrible. I can't remember what happened at all. There is a cast around my arm and my head is throbbing with pain.

I want to know what happened so I try to find the button to ring for the nurse. As I move my arm to push it my arm starts to sting and I scream out in pain. I moved the wrong arm.

"What's wrong?" The nurse says running into the room. "I moved my arm" I cry out into pain. She gives me a sympathetic look and stands above me. "You were out for awhile . I'm glad you have woken up!". This is the perfect time to ask so I start to say "what happe--""

"Amy I'm so glad you are ok!" Ricky comes running into the room. I get so angry for multiple reasons. I don't want to see him and he ruined my chance to ask what happened.
"I'm fine." I say with anger in my voice. He starts apologizing immediately and I choose to ignore everything he says.

"I don't think you have permission to be in here." The nurse says in a sweet tone that makes me want to yell at her also.

A sharp pain runs through my chest just looking at him so I turn my head towards the door. I hope he leaves soon because I can not handle seeing him right now.

I remember something. Max he was with me. I need to see him now what if he is not okay.
I turn my head towards the nurse and ask "where is Max?"

She gives me a sad look and I can only imagine the list of horrible things that could have happened to him. He made me feel better, he was like a brother to me I cannot lose him.

"He got hit pretty hard sweetie, he was trying to save you." No this can't be happening she can not be saying this to me right now. She continues talking "he is in a coma right now he's fighting he really is but we don't think he will make it out of it."

"No no no no no" I repeat over and over tossing my head around. Why would he risk his life for me it doesn't make any sense at all. "I'm so sorry" Ricky is still in the room and he starts walking over towards me. "Get out" I say "it is all your fault if it wasn't for you breaking my heart again and messing up again this wouldn't have happened I love you Ricky why do you not get that!" My throat starts to hurt and I burst out crying. I just spilled out my heart to a guy who doesn't even care and will never change.

Ricky gives me one little glance and walks right out of that room leaving me again as I am in pain needing him the most.

Ricky's pov

I am in love with Amy. I never use those words when I should. I was the one who hit them and she doesn't even know yet. I needed to find her, I craved her forgiveness. I rushed and there before I knew it was Amy in Max's arm and me in my car an inch away from them.

That was the worst moment of my life. I had already put her in so much pain and I made it worse for selfish reasons.

I did not cheat on her. Adrian called she said it was important she was going to surprise her boyfriend. It was a bad moment wrong time. Amy is the love of my life and I would never hurt her like that again.

Now I won't get the chance to explain that to her because when she finds out that it was me who caused her all this pain she will never speak a word to me again.

These thoughts consume my mind and I collapse onto the ground outside of her room. The pain I have put this beautiful, strong women into kills me. I start crying right there in the middle of the hospital floor. I have ruined her and I have never been so weak.



Yassss I finally updated. Wasn't the greatest writing of my ability but I felt the need to update. Hope you enjoy and hopefully sometime next week will be another update :)

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