Chapter 8 the date

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A/n- hello it's me.. Jk hi I am so sorry for taking so long to update. Life has been crazy busy and lots of stuff has happened to me. Anyways if anyone wants to know my Instagram is k.kendallz. Anyways here is the long overdue chapter I owe you.

Chapter 8-

I change into my swimsuit like Ricky instructed me to. It's a pink bikini top with black bottoms. As soon as I finish changing I walk over to the mirror by my bed and look at my reflection. My face always looks horrible without makeup and my hair is really frizzy. Instead of trying to fix it I decide to put my hair back into a messy bun because I don't want to look totally messed up around Ricky. I leave my face the way it is because the makeup would come off in the water anyways.

I put on my flip flops and walk out of the cabin quietly so I don't wake anyone up. The sky is very dark and it is hard to see as I walk down to the lake. Ricky is sitting on the dock with his legs falling into the water. "Is this spot taken?" I ask as I plop down next to him. "It wasn't until you sat down." He says looking into my eyes with that smirk that always turns me on. I smile at him and look away suddenly feeling nervous. His fingers brush the hair out of my face as he pulls me closer. I look into his eyes and down towards his lips as he leans in closer. I lean in the rest of the way and we kiss just like we used to. It feels so good having him close to me again. I really like him but I'm afraid of getting hurt. Somehow he always finds a way of hurting me or I find a way to hurt him. We continue to kiss and his hands lead down towards my waist. Before I know it my body is being pushed into the water. I let out a scream as I fall into the cold water. "What is wrong with you?" I yell as I come back up. "You looked like you needed to be pushed in the water." He has that same smirk on his face that makes me smile again. It only lasts for a short amount of time though because he jumps in right over me. The water splashes all over me and I dunk under not wanting to be splashed. Ricky goes under water right next to me and reaches for my hand. I go back up and he does the same thing.

He has that same sparkle in his eye that I can't help fall in love with. This time it's me that leans in and we kiss again. More passionate this time like we are scared this will be the last. "God I hate you sometimes." I say as we pull apart "thanks I love you too" my heart starts beating faster as he says "I love you too."  I miss those words coming from him. I can't help but smile and say "I love you too."

He opens his mouth to respond but a light shines over us. "What are you two doing out here this late?" I jump looking at who it is. It is the director of the camp. Ricky looks over at me and back at her. "I'm so sorry it's all my fault I talked her into late night swimming." The director looks between me and Ricky and glares at both of us. "I want you to pack your things and go. You are breaking rules and you know that is not allowed." My smile that I have had all night fades and I climb up the latter and run to the cabin.

"Amy wait!" Ricky yells from behind me. "I'm sorry I never wanted any of this to happen please don't be upset with me" he continues.

Tears start streaming down my face and I can't control it. "This has been the job I have been waiting for. It was a break from my life that has been hurting me. I never wanted any of this I wanted a break for myself and then you came here and made me fall in love again with that stupid little smile of yours. You have hurt me over and over again but you will always be important to me and I hate it!" I continue to cry it felt good to let all that anger out but I suddenly start to feel bad for everything that I said.

He looks down at his feet and I can see a tear going down his face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it."

I turn away and walk up to my cabin. Continuing to cry and figuring everything out.

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