Chapter 5

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A/N For this chapter I basically listened to the song angel as I wrote this :(
I'm sorry long time no update this summer has been so busy! Anyways enjoy and thanks for reading.


Flash back to the night before

"You better go before Amber or John wake up" I told Ricky as I got up from the bed. He ended up staying the night. "Okay I will after I change" I
He says gathering up his clothes that were laying on the floor.
"I'm gonna go check on Amber" I let him know. I walk out the door and to the room right next to mine. "Good morning sweetie" I say knowing that she still can't talk. Usually she cries but she hasn't yet which is strange.

I look down at her for a couple seconds and she hasn't taken a breathe. "Amber!" I scream hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. "What happened?" I turn around and Ricky runs into the room with just jeans on.
"S-she's not breathing" I stutter pointing to Amber.

- Present -

My eyes start to water again just thinking about it. My daughters gone, her beautiful green eyes I will never see again. The doctors told me she had a seizure and didn't survive from it.

"Mommy" John says from beside the bed. His eyes are dull of tears, this hasn't gone well on any of us. "Can I lay with you?" He asks. "Of course!" I gesture my arms out for him. He lays down beside me and I comb my fingers through his hair. "I love you so much!" I tell him kissing the top of his head. "I love you too" he says sniffling. "And I love you both so much!" Ricky says grabbing my hand. I smile up at him as we all start crying together.

These next days and months and years will be tough but I know I can get through it with my boys.

2 hours later

We leave the hospital alone because I didn't feel like seeing anyone else right now. "Please stay" I tell Ricky as soon as we pull into my house. "Forever" he finishes grabbing my hand. John wanted to stay at my moms for a couple weeks.

Once we get up to my room I just take off my shoes and lay in bed.
Ricky joins next to me and I rest my head on his chest he then puts his arm around my shoulder.

1 week later

Work. That's all I've done. It's kept my mind off of things that's for sure. College everyday and homework, also house work. There is no messy room in the house. Ambers door has just stayed shut. Everybody asks how I'm doing so well, but I'm not every day is just worse. And yes some days have just been so hard to get up.

"You need to do something fun!" I hear someone say. I jump and my hands tighten around the vacuum cleaner. Ricky stands by the TV with his hands by his side. "You scared me" I yell as I unplug the cord. "All you have been doing is work" he says ignoring my question. "How has this not been hard on you?" I ask him. It seems like he has totally moved on.

"It is, that's why I want you to go on a date with me tonight." I cross my arms over my chest as I take in all this information. "Amy I love you" he says walking towards me. "But we need to move on with are lives." He picks me up which causes me to shriek. "Put me down!" I yell hitting him lightly on the back.

"Not until you agree" he says, he carries me outside and finally sets me down on the hammock. I lightly pull on his hair as he leans in and kisses me.
"The only reason I'm okay is because I have you" he says "and your the only way I can move on."

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