Come Back

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I've been looking outside

Waiting for you to appear

Oh yes, I'm missing you

Because what I've been standing on

Was the fact that you were always there

Was the fact that you're the one I gave my heart to

Was the fact that I let you keep me by your side

No matter what I did and what I said

And surely

I wish you'll stay here till whenever

Wiping away my tears everytime it fell

Hauling me up on my feet everytime I stumbled

Like you used to

And I want to tell myself how it wasn't just a dream

That all those hugs and I Love Yous

Were not just my imagination

For someone with a person complex

I always thought everyone is trying to take me down

Everyone is mocking me; talking behind my back

Everyone is snickering everytime I made a mistake

Everyone is telling that I am a failure and I deserve to be mocked

Everyone is thinking how overrated I am; how stupid I look

Then there's you

Standing behind me all the time

Telling me everything's gonna be alright

The one that saw me cry

The one that saw me broke

The one that saw how I stumbled

The one that brought me back up

I want you back, that's all

Keep telling me how you love me

How you look me in the eyes

And tell me that you love them all the same

How you hugged me from behind

And whispered things that I like to hear

Holding my hand while we slept

Telling me everything's gonna be alright

I yearn for your breath on my cheeks

While you stroked my hair till I sleep

That gentle peck on my forehead

So that I know you're always there

Yeah I know, I'm a hopeless romantic

But for you

And you only.

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