Tell Me Again

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Tell me

How you used to say my hair's all ruffly

How my shirt smelled of your favourite Dunhill Desire Red

How the way I walked is kinda funny

How my cooking's that terrible

How silly I am when treading up the stairs to your 5-floors apartment

How I suck at technicality

How I flunked it when repairing things

Tell me

How you loved what I did to my hair

How you loved my new t-shirt that we bought together at some unknown thrift shop

How you remembered small things about me that I forgot

How you like beard and sideburn, and I kept it for your sake

How you told me that my spectacles are cute on my face

How you looked into my eyes and told me they're beautiful

I want all of that back

No matter what it takes to do so

Let me caress that hair once again

And wait for you to come home everyday back from work

Every morning, kissing you goodbye before you depart

Doing shopping, and arguing what to buy

Quarreling over petty things; like that time, about what to cook

I miss your breath on my neck

I miss your hugs and laughter

I miss everything

I miss you

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